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[Language] Belarusian language

Dear Spotify,


A lot of Belarusian customers would like to use Spotify in Belarusian. Nowadays, the Belarusian language has around 7 million speakers and it's an official language in Belarus and some parts of Poland. Also, Belarusian is recognized as a minority language in Ukraine and Czech Republic.

Please, translate your mobile, desktop and web to Belarusian?


There are similar requests on Google Play / App Store in the reviews sections.


Google Play ReviewsGoogle Play Reviews





P.S. Previous idea was closed by @Dian without proper review. He mentioned, that the first idea did not meet requirements. But there is a similar idea about Catalan language.


Updated on 2025-03-03

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


Dear moderators,


Are you planning to review this submission?

Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2022-07-07

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.



Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2022-07-07

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.




Belarusian language is the language of my life, it's not convenient to use Spotify without it


Please, consider this suggestion. It's of a high value for a great number of people.


It's not only that language is missing in UI, but it seems like recommendations subsystem also lacks this info, as a result Russian and Ukrainian authors are recommended and included into playlists based on Belarusian musicians songs, that's a pity.


It'd be great if there'd be a Belarusian language here in Spotify.


I've been using Spotify for about 5 years and I still haven't had belarusian interface. I've almost taken it personal.


Though I currently live abroad, it would be nice to have interface in my first language


гэта вельмі цудоу́ная ідэя і спадзяюся , што яе дабавяць у скорым часе 

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2022-07-08

Hey! Looks like your idea is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.