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How to sort podcasts on web player?

How to sort podcasts on web player?

Can't download desktop app on work computer. Trying to listen to older podcasts with 100s of episodes and having to scroll for minutes to get to the episode that I need at the very bottom of the list. Can not figure out how to sort by date or by what I haven't listened to.
11 Replies

Hi there,


Thanks for the post.

Currently there is no option to sort podcast episodes on the Web player.


What you can do is search for the episode number you'd like to play.


Hope this helps.

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So for podcasts with thousands of episodes, in the web player it sorts by default to have the oldest episode at the top, then only shows 10 episodes and a 'show more' button that reveals the next 10. The answer really is to click that button 100 times to see the most recent episode???

Hey @afrohorse,

Thanks for posting in the thread!


While there's no specific way to sort or filter podcast episodes in the Web Player, we can suggest that you to create an idea on the topic, as we always take new ideas and feedback into consideration to improve the app. This way, other users can leave a vote there to show their support as well.

We also recommend checking this help article for useful tips on how to submit an idea.


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My favorite answer from mods in every help forum, "submit an idea!".

Thanks, Spotify, for the useless answer. Maybe add a SORT function and DEFAULT settings for sorting. 

I like how this post was originally made years ago to argue that having to scroll through hundreds of episodes was annoying, only for Spotify to have since made it *abundantly worse* by removing the infinite scroll and replacing it with a button that loads 6 episodes at a time.


Real bang-up job there. Has the dev working on the browser version ever actually used a web browser?

The earliest instance of this topic being raised on this forum is 2018 and the answer was to raise it as an "idea". It is now nearly 2025 and you cannot sort podcasts by new episodes as you can on the mobile app. You have to sort by recently added/updated and then check each individual podcast. When you go to view the episodes of this specific podcast, near half of this screen is taken up by the podcast name in massive bold letters, then underneath this is a small button confirming you're following the podcast which is insulated with a lot of dead space and then nearly halfway down the viewport you get "All Episodes". In addition, you can't sort these episodes by date added.

My question is why? Why isn't there a new episodes button like on the mobile app? I genuinely don't understand why this and some of the other UI issues I mentioned are an issue.

you can use the app from your phone to sort the playlist and find the episode you want it to play and tell it to play it in your webplayer

Checking in in 2025 to report that this option, first suggested in 2018 as noted by another commenter, is still not available.


What is puzzling is how Spotify has been spending however many millions to boost its podcast portfolio, then neglects to make the listening experience even somewhat painless. One wonders what strategy, if any, is at play here.

Why is sorting podcasts on Spotify webplayer STILL NOT A THING!? What makes even less sense is why some podcasts are listed most recent at the top and others are not?


Come on Spotify.

We can go to space and make babies in a test tube but we can't figure out how to add a sorting option on a web browser (which existed before the days of the ""app").  This seems on purpose...

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