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Requesting information about thumbs

Requesting information about thumbs

I have a 20 song playlist, each one by a different artist. I go to the playlist radio, and I get a list of 40-50 songs based on the original playlist, I suppose, but it is not very varied, and some artists are very repeated, even if they were not featured on my original list. I expected much more variety, but anyway.


So, I go through the radio playlist and I see many songs I know I do not like, so I play them and then I thumb them down. When I play a song that is on the lower part of the playlist, it seems as if the playlist is refreshed, and the current song gets placed on the upper part of the playlist, and a new batch of songs gets added to the playlist. But what is my surprise when I see that many of the newly added songs are the same ones I just thumbed down.


I repeated the process several times, and the result is always the same. No matter how many times I thumb-down some songs, they keep re-appearing almost immediatly on the playlist radio. So, my question is, WTF are thumbs for?

5 Replies

@apertotes, thunbs are supposed to be for customizing your results. It seems that when they changed the system it messed up. 

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Ah, so my intuition is right, it is simply that it does not work at the moment, right? I mean, thumbing down a song and having it reappear at the end of the radio playlist repeatedly IS a bug, and not the way that it is supposed to work, right?

No. I don't think so. If they made it do that then Spotify wasn't thinking. But originally that is not how it worked for me. I do think it is a bug. Are you using 1.0.25? Anything else I can help you with?

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Yes, I am using 1.0.25. I've only been a Spotify user for a few weeks, but I feel very disappointed with radios. I thought Spotify would help me discover new music based on my tastes, but my experience is that radios cycle 90-100 songs over and over again. So much for discoverability.

Well I have no solution to this issue. I don't think there is much I can do about this. You might have to wait till an update.

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