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Auto-upgraded and charged?

Auto-upgraded and charged?


I awoke to confirmation emails that I was upgraded to Family and charged an extra $5 for the month... and offered some Google device.  I have no family living here, and have not been in Spotify in the last bit, so I would never have upgraded to a plan I could not use.

Downgraded again, but just sharing that it happened in case anyone else has been swept up in this new plan.

3 Replies

Hi @scottgw

Spotify will never auto change your subscription plan. Please make sure nobody else have access to your account. If you think it may be compromised, please check out this Spotify Answer for the next steps to take.

Have a great day.

The SAME thing happened to me!

I was getting emails from spotify trying to sell me on upgrading to Premium for Family. I don't have a family so I'm not interested in this feature at all. Then one day it just sent me an email and said "welcome to premium for family" and another telling me to get my free google home mini for upgrading to premium.


No one has access to any of my accounts, and this is a very shady business practice on the part of Spotify and it really pisses me off. I had to find where to downgrade my account from premium for family to regular old premium again. If I get charged an additional amount because Spotify **bleep** up, I'll be dropping them.

Hey @Papasmurf2k3.


Thanks for getting in touch with us about this.


We're sorry to hear that this has happened to you. We have seen a rise in users who have had their accounts taken over since the Google Home Mini deal went live.


We suggest you check out the Spotify Answer which @jsannn shared in his comment, which will provide you with the necessary steps to secure your account and prevent this from happening again. 


Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any other questions regarding this.

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