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How can I turn off a child's access to video

How can I turn off a child's access to video

I want to stop my child being able to access video, youtube etc on their Spotify profile. I have a family plan.
34 Replies

Hey there,


Thanks for reaching out.


First of all, pleas keep in mind that Spotify is meant to be used by individuals older than 13-14 years of age, depending on the country/region you're in. So if the belongs to a child younger than that, they would have to use Spotify Kids instead.


If you're referring to the Canvas feature, you can turn this off in the Spotify mobile app settings, under Playback. If you're not seeing this option, please update your Spotify app 🙂


And if referring to the new feature of music videos, you can use the option called "switch to audio" in order to not play the video. However, this has to be done manually on each song as there's no option to disable them all at the moment.


I hope this helps!

MaximSpotify Star
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Spotify has allowed tiktok-like videos to flood its platform, and now parents can't allow free access to music for their young kids anymore.
"Spotify Kids" is for kindergarden.

You need to add an option to let parents disable videos on their kids' accounts asap!

Hi @Nooker


Thanks for reaching out!


As @Maxim mentioned currently no option exists to completely disable videos for all music content so we would suggest posting an idea about it on our Ideas Board. If enough users get behind your idea we can forward it to our tech teams to be looked into and hopefully implemented!



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There's already an idea posted since over a year but nothing happens..

Opening the platform to YouTube/Tiktok style content has completely ruined Spotify. With parental discretion it used to be suitable to give Tweens and Teens acess to a world of music. It's now become just another addictive platform filled with **bleep** content of video games played played online, mindless shouting, all the rubbish you can at least limit and control in other apps with teen pairing.


We've used Spotify for years. For me it just lost it's only point of differentiation and is now just more of the same rubbish. Congratulations on the colossal fail.

Third time. I have to be fast... Captcha kills my commenting. I agree with you.... "An Unexpected Error has occurred."

I agree on this 100%. I want to come back to Spotify in a bad way, but until this is fixed, I’m stuck with Apple Music.It has it’s own issues, but I can at least block videos and the use a separate app for podcasts. 

Long time Spotify user here. The videos thing and the inability to turn this off is going to cause an exit of a family plan to a competitor. Spotify has always sucked with parental controls. Move fast or you'll find a lof of parents moving off platform. Promise. 

I agree! We are leaving as well if we cannot block garbage content before next billing cycle. 



FIRST - SPOTIFY, thank you for your time; I hope you pass this important and more pressing issue for thousands of your users to the top and choose to implement the RIGHT SOLUTIONS. The profit will follow more organically if you do so. If you refuse to listen to these ideas and feedback and do nothing, you will just lose more customers in time and Profits due to countless competitors out there.


SECOND - If you create a "FAMILY PLAN or GROUP plan," YOU MUST create a way for the administrators of these groups to have control of every aspect of the options available in settings for each user under them. If not, WHY even allow an administrator? You already do this in many ways, e.g., turning off songs and allowing certain users to toggle on songs with "Explicit lyrics." So why is it you're refusing to make this change of turning off the **bleep** we don't want as listeners in our accounts and our younger teams as they are 14 and older? So please do it. This topic and feature have been discussed over a year in your forums and recommendations section.  


As a software developer, I moved on to a much better offer after being there for four years. I also had inside knowledge, and I know you're TRYING to put profits over children's safety. So please do the right thing! The codes written implement it.


THIRD - I know for a fact, just from inside knowledge, that over 85% of your customers sign up for Spotify for MUSIC LISTENING ONLY. NOT for GARBAGE VIDEOS and to pay more for it as a result!


(in my case, myself and my wife are the admins over the other users) We should be able to TURN off the bull **bleep** "Tik Tok like videos," YouTube videos, and countless inappropriate podcasts from conspiracy wack jobs with sailors' mouths, such as Jo Rogan. It's all an act and NOT REAL. That's how they make their money by being controversial. Spotify, how can you feel good about being a literal MICROPHONE FOR ADULT GARBAGE CONTENT to YOUNG TEENS whose brains aren't even developed entirely? You guys started good but have let money and greed blind you when there's a better way to profit! 


FOURTH - WE, like thousands of others, DID NOT PAY FOR SPOTIFY IN THE BEGINNING FOR VIDEOS! We signed up to listen to MUSIC! Just for you to later FIND WAYS TO add and MONETIZE VIDEOS no matter how inappropriate they may be at the expense of teens (14 and up even) who you KNOW cannot control that in their brains yet. WITH NO WAY TO TURN IT OFF! Science has proven how brains work, and sadly, countless companies like yours have lost their way and taken their eye off their VALUES and mission statements in the beginning. You're preying on youth and profiting. Shame on you. THE LITERAL GARBAGE ADDED TO YOUR PLATFORM IS SIMPLY GHETTO AND POOR CONTENT OVERALL OUTSIDE OF MUSIC. SO THAT YOU CAN JUSTIFY UPPING THE RATES OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS. For features, the majority of people could care less about. The list goes on.

Your platform is cluttering and putting in FEATURES that most ADULTS NEVER use because ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS MUSIC. But you know that the TEENS cannot control it, and they want to watch movies no matter the content and listen to music. YOU NAME it for our younger teens. Preventing Admins from turning the garbage off for our young teens' accounts in our group plan is a literal money grab for Spotify, and you know it. This is why you are SLOW to implement the code already written to add the feature so admins can turn it off. It makes me sick. You have already made it so that the Admins for the Family and group plans can shut off songs with "Explicit Lyrics" for any user in their family group. You can turn off that **bleep** from TikTok and Youtube etc. Please do so instead of focusing on your bottom line for Revenue at the expense of our teens. It's that simple. This idea has been brought up and suggested for over a year. It's asked so many times in this forum in different threads.



Please prioritize and implement this ability asap. If NOT, I'll take my personal and the business I run to one of the many competitors and continue spreading the word about Spotify. I just so happen to run a successful company of over 45,000 employees. We provide Spotify as a "perk" for employees and their families. With a deal we made with Spotify, my contract is pullable after being run by my legal counsel. I will personally pull my contract and go to other competitors who give options to protect the youth of this world. The youth are our future and don't need the **bleep** you're helping facilitate with NO OPTION to shut it off. 

Spotify's kid version is horrible and still has explicit content, just FYI, and the signup and sign-in process is horrific. It's not for teens and above, that is for sure.

Having TikTok "like garbage" for monetization BRINGS ZERO value to most of your customer base. We use Spotify to listen to music, not watch crude and ridiculous useless videos. That's what YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and countless other platforms are for.





1. Listen to your loyal customers, or you will lose them if you cannot implement a simple request like the one above. There's far too much competition out there, and you WILL NOT SURVIVE if you do not do so over simple matters like this.


2. You need to provide a different group subscription tier option that includes all the clutter people may want (TikTok-like videos, YouTube stuff, subpar at best advertisement, etc.). CHARGE MORE FOR THAT subscription!


3. You will find that the more adaptable options you give that make these options EASY to use, the more loyal users will be. Your company will grow faster and more organically.


Again, I thank you for your time. Please let me know WHEN and IF Spotify will enable this feature so that admins can turn off the garbage I and so many others have already mentioned. If SPOTIFY CHOOSES to ignore this, they will be using 45,000+ contracts. I want to know if this will ever be a reality, which is not even a day's work to roll out in an update.


Thank you



100% agree. 12 year old has first phone, thought it would be a good thing to give him the ability to find music.  We'll that's completely **bleep** now because of the video content. This will be his last week of the service.

My kids have found Tiktoks and other videos on our family plan account.   Though you may think age 13-14+ is fine for this kind of mature content, MANY parents disagree and we should be able to opt-out of the video content for kids accounts.  
We joined Spotify only wanting a music platform, with good parental controls, & we’re cancelling our account till Spotify can offer the option to opt-out of these videos.  Quite frustrating! 

Another long-time user: Yes, you will lose customers. You have to have some decent control. And please add the ability to change parental settings after a password request.

I totally second all that's said above. I have a family plan so that my kids can enjoy music as much as they want. But doom-scrolling through tiktok-like **bleep** is unacceptable.

Unless i can disable videos for my kids, the family plan has become useless.

Agree! Spotify Kids is unusable for our 9 year old. We set it up initially, but she got frustrated/bored with the options. Telling parents to go there means I am moving to a different platform that isn't going to feed her youtube videos and serial killer podcasts.

I cancelled a year ago and took my family plan to Apple Music, which isn’t nearly as good as Spotify from the perspective of simply desiring to listen to music. Was hoping that we could come back to Spotify by now, but the forums indicate that this still isn’t possible. I do not want my children listening to podcasts or watching TikToks. 

Please provide a music only toggle for users within the family account that only the administrator can adjust. This should be very simple. 

So whoever reads and agrees with this thread, Vote for this idea:


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Hi all. I'd like to completely turn off videos (including the option to switch to video) in my children accounts. I have Spotify as an always allowed app in Google Family Link, while I have YouTube limited to 10 minutes per day. However, some content creators in YouTube are creating "songs" in Spotify (sometimes called ASMR or mediation tracks) but are actually the same YouTube garbage I'm trying to limit in my kids phones. Disabling Canvas does not work. Media quality options only go to low, not to off. Is there another option? Otherwise I'll need to remove Spotify from always allowed. Thank you

I have also recently discovered that there are you tube type videos on spotify and that my 12 year old was watching them without my knowledge. We share an account and one of the recommended videos was what seemed to be gamers but they were talking about **bleep** toys : (

I then set our spotify with an explicit content filter which he then switched off.

I am really frustrated that in my efforts to allow my son to listen to music and make playlists etc on his phone he has now potentially been exposed to inappropriate content.

What a shame that Spotify has now become another video platform unsuitable for children to access music independently on.

I have purchased a family plan hoping that I can add parental controls to my son's account but he is soon to be 13 and won't want Spotify kids. Do we are considering moving to an alternative platform which my son is unhappy about as we have many playlists we have created over the years.

Is there a way to have an admin in control of settings for an over 12yo? And to switch off video content? Sounds like there isn't.


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