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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremiumCountryFranceDeviceDell InspironOperating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or IssueSpotify believes that I am trying to join a Family Plan
from a different country and I cannot validate the address for my kid.
Not sure what to do, all settings...
Plan Premium Country France Device Dell Inspiron Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue Spotify believes that I am trying to join a Family Plan from a different country a...
I would like to use my aunt's card to start a Spotify Premium family
plan, but she lives in another state. How should I fill this page out?
Should I be using my home address or my aunt's billing address? How do I
make it so my siblings can join by ty...
I would like to use my aunt's card to start a Spotify Premium family plan, but she lives in another state. How should I fill this page out? Should I be using my home address or my aunt's billing a...
I have a Premium Family account and shared the link with my son. He
clicks on the link and adds his account number but even though he uses
the same address I provided for the family account he gets an error
message that it is the wrong address. We th...
I have a Premium Family account and shared the link with my son. He clicks on the link and adds his account number but even though he uses the same address I provided for the family account he gets a...
Family PlanPremiumUSA Device(iPhone 12)Operating System(iOS 14.) My
Question or IssuePretty much what it says in the subject :(. When i
search for top songs of previous years the songs of my siblings (which i
have never listened to on this account) c...
Family Plan Premium USA Device (iPhone 12) Operating System (iOS 14.) My Question or Issue Pretty much what it says in the subject :(. When i search for top songs of p...
Hi Folks - Is there a way to find out the Plan manager account info
(email / username) from the Plan member account page? We've had a Family
Plan for a couple years. My wife and I recently upgraded out iPhones and
although we can remember the Plan me...
Hi Folks - Is there a way to find out the Plan manager account info (email / username) from the Plan member account page? We've had a Family Plan for a couple years. My wife and I r...
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hello, I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I w...
PlanPremium/FamilyCountryGreece at the moment, but changing every month
or so. My Question or IssueHi thereWe have lived in Denmark for all our
live, but now we have sold everything we own and we are traveling the
world.For confirmation on that, you ...
Plan Premium/Family Country Greece at the moment, but changing every month or so. My Question or Issue Hi there We have lived in Denmark for all our live, but now we have sold e...
Plan Premium Country Turkey Device Samsung Galaxy A32 Operating System
Android My Question or Issue Merhaba size problemimden bahsetmek
istiyorum. Ne zaman aldım bilmiyorum ama bir gün kredi kartımdan şuan
hatırlamadığım bir spotify hesabı için premi...
Samsung Galaxy A32
Operating System
My Question or Issue
Merhaba size problemimden bahsetmek istiyorum. Ne zaman aldım bilmiyor...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryMéxico DeviceSamsung Galaxy Note 9, Windows10,
11My Question or IssueI'm trying to see my family members so I want to
manage the accounts, but the link to get there is just not working. I
tried to go to My account>Family Memb...
Plan Family Premium Country México Device Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Windows10, 11 My Question or Issue I'm trying to see my family members so I want to manage the accounts, but the link t...
Plan: PremiumCountry: Vietnam DeviceMultipleOperating SystemMultiple My
Question or IssueFamily plan is not available in Vietnam. Thus the only
logical option is to make multiple accounts all using my card.I
previously read that I can not use a singl...
Plan: Premium Country: Vietnam Device Multiple Operating System Multiple My Question or Issue Family plan is not available in Vietnam. Thus the only logical option is to make m...
PlanFamily plan My Question or Issue Hello! My problem is, that I ended
my own Family Plan in 2021 february ( which cancelled in march 13.), and
joined in to an another Family plan right away ( which is not mine). I
want to quit this plan, and start ...
Plan Family plan My Question or Issue Hello! My problem is, that I ended my own Family Plan in 2021 february ( which cancelled in march 13.), and joined in to an another Family...
PlanPremium FamilyCountrySerbiaDeviceiPhone 11Operating SystemiOS 15.1My
Question or IssueI'm the plan manager. A flatmate left our Family
Premium plan today and another one wanted to jump in, but when she tried
to type in the address me and the othe...
Plan Premium Family Country Serbia Device iPhone 11 Operating System iOS 15.1 My Question or Issue I'm the plan manager. A flatmate left our Family Premium plan today and another one w...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryEnglandDeviceiPhone 8Operating System(iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issuei have just recently
moved off a family plan with my mates to go into one with my family why
do you have to wait 12 months?
Plan Free/Premium Country England Device iPhone 8 Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue i have just recently moved off a family p...
PlanPremium Family CountryPortugal My Question or IssueHi. I'm the owner
of a Spotify Premium Family plan and I've sent the invitation link to
all of my 5 flatmates. Two of them were able to join in without any
problem, but the other three got a warn...
Plan Premium Family Country Portugal My Question or Issue Hi. I'm the owner of a Spotify Premium Family plan and I've sent the invitation link to all of my 5 flatmates. Two of t...
hi,i’ve wrote a question, filled out all neccessary infirmation, after
submitting the request i’ve got error message, my question is gone.
Would like to talk to human instead of wasting my time (and money)
trying to get a decent service.thanks
hi, i’ve wrote a question, filled out all neccessary infirmation, after submitting the request i’ve got error message, my question is gone. Would like to talk to human instead of wasting my time (an...
PlanPremium DuoCountryUnited StatesDeviceAndroid Samsung GS
S320VLOperating SystemAndroid Marshmallow My Question or IssueI joined
Premium Duo recently. My spouse didn't sign on to Duo Mix immediately,
so the original Duo Mix that appeared on my devi...
Plan Premium Duo Country United States Device Android Samsung GS S320VL Operating System Android Marshmallow My Question or Issue I joined Premium Duo recently. My spouse didn'...
Hello. I was runnig Family premium subscription for a couple months, but
when i was changing payment details i changed also the plan to single
premium by accident. I have already paid it. Is there, please, any
option or help how to return to family p...
Hello. I was runnig Family premium subscription for a couple months, but when i was changing payment details i changed also the plan to single premium by accident. I have already paid it.&n...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryVietnamDeviceHP ProbookOperating SystemWindows
10My Question or IssueI was listening on Spotify Premium and I saw an
update notification, I updated the app to "" and
BOOM, my Premium is now gone.No E-mail ...
Plan Premium Family Country Vietnam Device HP Probook Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue I was listening on Spotify Premium and I saw an update notification, I updated the a...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryFranceOperating SystemAndroid My Question or
IssueHi I live France but am English. My app is in English. I have
signed up for family. I have installed the Kids app on my daughters
Android tablet and it is all in French. How c...
Plan Family Premium Country France Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hi I live France but am English. My app is in English. I have signed up for family. I have i...
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDeviceSamsung Galaxy 10Operating SystemAndroid
My Question or IssueHi there, I'm a member of a Premium Family Account.
I am not the administrator of the account though. Now I want to switch
into another Premium Family Account...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Samsung Galaxy 10 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hi there, I'm a member of a Premium Family Account. I am not the a...