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duplicate Duo Mix icons on home screen

duplicate Duo Mix icons on home screen


Premium Duo


United States


Android Samsung GS S320VL

Operating System

Android Marshmallow


My Question or Issue

I joined Premium Duo recently.  My spouse didn't sign on to Duo Mix immediately, so the original Duo Mix that appeared on my devices had entries for me only.  Once my spouse signed on, another Duo Mix eventually appeared that has entries for both of us.  The original Duo Mix with only my entries is still shown in the "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" home area alongside the second Duo Mix with entries for both of us.  Is there a way to get rid of the "dupe" (not truly a dupe because it's a different playlist, but useless to me nonetheless)?

4 Replies

Hey @rardin,


Thanks for reaching out about this in the Community!


Try leaving and re-joining the Duo mix, as per this article.


If the old playlist is till there afterwards, log out and run a clean reinstall of the app. This should refresh your account and sync it up with the servers.


Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have questions.

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Thanks for responding, Alex.  Something I failed to mention in my original post is that the duplicate Duo Mix playlist icons are being displayed in the Spotify client on not only my Android phone, but also in the clients on my Mac and Fire TV Stick, as well as in the Spotify web player.
After reading your message this morning, I tried leaving Duo Mix via the account area on the Spotify web site, then logged out of the Spotify app on my Mac, quit the Spotify app, then removed every trace I could find in my home directory tree of Spotify-related files:




~/Library/Application\ Support/Spotify


I opened the Spotify app for macOS again and the duplicate Duo Mix playlist icons appeared in the home area under Good Morning as soon as I logged in.  I stepped though the process again, logging out of and quitting the Spotify app, then removing all of the Spotify-related files mentioned above.


I visited the Spotify web site and rejoined Duo Mix, then reopened the Spotify app for macOS and once again, the duplicate Duo Mix playlist icons appeared in the home area under Good Morning as soon as I logged in.


 I feel fairly sure at this point that the two Duo Mix playlists are being fed to the various clients via the Spotify server.  I don't think these are stored locally.  Maybe the old one with entries for me only will expire and disappear eventually, but it's less than ideal--especially as a Premium subscriber--to have no control over what playlists appear in the home area.

Hey @rardin


Thanks for getting back to us. 


We understand where you're coming from. Other users also think it would be a good idea to be able to customize the Home screen. If this is something you'd like to see in the future, you can add your +VOTE and Subscribe to this thread. That way you can stay up-to-date with any relevant news about this.


If anything else comes up, we're always a message away. 



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I got the same problem, and cannot get rid of the dupe playlist.

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