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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremiumCountryUSA My Question or IssueIf I had a Premium account and
wanted to add it to a family, would any of my data be lost;
specifically, the offline songs that I have downloaded? I tried looking
online, but only saw posts talking about play...
Plan Premium Country USA My Question or Issue If I had a Premium account and wanted to add it to a family, would any of my data be lost; specifically, the offline songs that I have d...
PlanSpotify Premium for Family Countrythe Netherlands My Question or
IssueThis afternoon I received an email from Spotify (Atleast I think
so) asking me to confirm my address for Spotify Premium for Family. See
the attached image. Is this email legit...
Plan Spotify Premium for Family Country the Netherlands My Question or Issue This afternoon I received an email from Spotify (Atleast I think so) asking me to confirm my a...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssuePlease make it so we can LOCK the explicit lyrics
option when children are using their own an...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Please ...
Dostałam maila od spoti, że muszę potwierdzić adres aby korzystać z
rodzinnego konta. Nie jestem założycielem, ale tylko członkiem. Nie
dostałam żadnego linka I nie wiem gdzie moge potwierdzić ten adres
Dostałam maila od spoti, że muszę potwierdzić adres aby korzystać z rodzinnego konta. Nie jestem założycielem, ale tylko członkiem. Nie dostałam żadnego linka I nie wiem gdzie moge po...
PlanPremiumCountryGERMANY Hallo Spotify Community,die Spotify Kids App
wird empfohlen für Kinder bis 12 Jahre. Die Aufmachung passt gut zu
diesem Alter. Mein jüngstes Kind ist happy.Mein 13 jähriger Teeny kann
aber nicht die Spotify App nutzen (zu ju...
Plan Premium Country GERMANY Hallo Spotify Community, die Spotify Kids App wird empfohlen für Kinder bis 12 Jahre. Die Aufmachung passt gut zu diesem Alter. Mein jüngstes Kind ist happy....
I got an email saying someone I don’t know joined my family plan. The
name isn’t listed when I go to the admin page with the other members.
This is a few weeks after my account was hacked. How can I better secure
my account?
I got an email saying someone I don’t know joined my family plan. The name isn’t listed when I go to the admin page with the other members. This is a few weeks after my account was hacked. How can I...
Help! Husband going demented. I added him and my 2 girls to the Premium
Family plan ages ago. Even when he accepts the invitation (or opens the
link) it just says log in to Spotify. But he can’t just link in? If he
asks for my password etc then he’d ...
Help! Husband going demented. I added him and my 2 girls to the Premium Family plan ages ago. Even when he accepts the invitation (or opens the link) it just says log in to Spotify. But he can’t j...
PlanPremiumCountryNetherlandsDevicesamsung A51Operating Systemandroid My
Question or Issue after starting premium for family a few months ago i
was only able to play on just my account. it's already premium, but when
i open the spotify website to inv...
Plan Premium Country Netherlands Device samsung A51 Operating System android My Question or Issue after starting premium for family a few months ago i was only able t...
Hi my mum changed her premium subscription to family today and I
cancelled my premium to join but when I log in it tells me it’s a free
subscription and to take out a premium subscription. Will this change is
when my premium subscription ends?
Hi my mum changed her premium subscription to family today and I cancelled my premium to join but when I log in it tells me it’s a free subscription and to take out a premium s...
FAMILY PREMIUM ITALY I was removed from the "Premium Family" package
because I did not communicate the address within the set time. The
problem is that the undersigned, as well as the holder of the plan,
could not confirm/ change the address on the d...
FAMILY PREMIUM ITALY I was removed from the "Premium Family" package because I did not communicate the address within the set time. The problem is that the undersigned, as well a...
PlanFamily premiumCountryGermanyDeviceiPhonesOperating System(iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI have a family
premium account and added my son to it with his own Spotify account.
Still, we cannot play different music at the...
Plan Family premium Country Germany Device iPhones Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I have a family premium account and added my s...
Ha ocurrido un error en el pago. Vuelve a intentarlo o usa otro metodo
de pago. . He intentado pagar varias veces el pack premium familiar con
distintas tarjetas en distintos dispositivos y sigue apareciendo eso. A
que se debe? ya reinicie el computa...
Ha ocurrido un error en el pago. Vuelve a intentarlo o usa otro metodo de pago. . He intentado pagar varias veces el pack premium familiar con distintas tarjetas en distintos dispositivos y sigu...
Auf der Website von Spotify steht eine Anleitung zur Einladung zum
Spotifyfamilienaccount, der zu folgen uns aber nicht möglich war, denn
leider kann keiner von uns unter "Family Abo verwalten" etwas finden, wo
man jemanden einladen könnte. Es gibt n...
Auf der Website von Spotify steht eine Anleitung zur Einladung zum Spotifyfamilienaccount, der zu folgen uns aber nicht möglich war, denn leider kann keiner von uns unter "Family Abo v...
PlanPremiumCountryFranceHi,I received an email saying that my son which
is part of my family (and has 9 years old so obviously living at the
same address) received an email to confirm his address.He's too young to
go wildely on the internet and use e...
Plan Premium Country France Hi, I received an email saying that my son which is part of my family (and has 9 years old so obviously living at the same address) received an email to confirm his a...
hey there, my family is considering to get a premium family account, but
my sibling already has an existing premium account and has used up their
trial period. i understand there will be a one-month trial for new
premium accounts, but what about thei...
hey there, my family is considering to get a premium family account, but my sibling already has an existing premium account and has used up their trial period. i understand there will be a one-m...
PlanPremiumCountryAustraliaDeviceHTC phone; iPad My Question or
IssueYesterday on my daughter's Spotify Kids app while trying to add
Suzuki violin pieces to her favourites list, I found out that you can
now share playlists with your children. Great! ...
Plan Premium Country Australia Device HTC phone; iPad My Question or Issue Yesterday on my daughter's Spotify Kids app while trying to add Suzuki violin pieces to her favourite...
PlanPremiumCountryNetherlandsDeviceMultipleOperating SystemMultiple My
Question or Issue1: Why did Spotify change my home address? during
verification I found out (too late) that my address is without a number
all of a sudden.2: Why is my Sonos accou...
...ate) that my address is without a number all of a sudden. 2: Why is my Sonos account that needed address verification but failed and locked out not in my Family anymore? It is literally my second a...
PlanPremium for FamilyCountryRussiaDeviceHonor MagicBook 14Operating
SystemWindows 10 My Question or IssueI can't join my family mix. Spotify
says: We’re having technical issues. Please try again later.I'm wait for
a long time, but my family mix don'...
Plan Premium for Family Country Russia Device Honor MagicBook 14 Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue I can't join my family mix. Spotify says: We’re h...