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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you
provide, the easier it will be for us to try and
help.PlanPremiumCountryThailandDeviceMobileOperating SystemAll My
Question or IssueJust curious for a meaning of the order of member’s
...bsp; My Question or Issue Just curious for a meaning of the order of member’s icon in the Family mix feature. Some song people#1 is led. Another song people#2 is led.
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueGood evening ,This is my issue . I am trying to have my
wife join me on my Spotify account bu...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Good ev...
Just opened an account today. US address and credit card. I'm in
Switzerland with a VPN. Every time my daughter tries to accept the
family invite it says she must be at the same address even though the
EXACT SAME ADDRESS is selected on the same devic...
Just opened an account today. US address and credit card. I'm in Switzerland with a VPN. Every time my daughter tries to accept the family invite it says she must be at the same address even though t...
PlanPremium for FamilyCountryPoland My Question or IssueMy Premium for
Family account was working fine until the day of new payment when all of
the members has been disconnected from the plan. Why has that happened?
Now to make any changes I have to ...
Plan Premium for Family Country Poland My Question or Issue My Premium for Family account was working fine until the day of new payment when all of the members has been disconnected f...
PlanPremium for Family CountryBuenos Aires, Argentina Device(iPhone
7)Operating System(iOS) My Question or IssueHello I'm Flor from
Argentina, I'm added to my dads family plan. I have done this through
his invitation last year, but I realized that I ...
Plan Premium for Family Country Buenos Aires, Argentina Device (iPhone 7) Operating System (iOS) My Question or Issue Hello I'm Flor from Argentina, I'm added to my d...
Hi, my card entered as a payment method expired and I got "paused". When
I updated my payment method in my Family Premium account, all of my
family members was gone. Do I really need to put them back manually? Why
this happened, if I've been as you c...
Hi, my card entered as a payment method expired and I got "paused". When I updated my payment method in my Family Premium account, all of my family members was gone. Do I really need to put them b...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDevice(iPhone XS, Surface Book
2)Operating System(iOS 13, Windows 10) My Question or IssueI am apart of
the Premium Family plan which automatically creates a Family Mix
playlist that I am not apart of and do not want to...
Plan Premium Country United States Device (iPhone XS, Surface Book 2) Operating System (iOS 13, Windows 10) My Question or Issue I am apart of the Premium Family plan which a...
We signed up for a family account so my two sons can access spotify on
their devices. They do not have email addresses. Am i supposed to create
and account for each of the then link it to our main one or do I use the
email from the main one for each ...
We signed up for a family account so my two sons can access spotify on their devices. They do not have email addresses. Am i supposed to create and account for each of the then link it to our main o...
Dear all, Last week I visited my Account Overview to check all was OK. I
was surprised to see that there were 4 users attached to my Family Plan,
and I removed them manually. Today I got an email from Spotify saying
that one of them has tried to get ...
Dear all, Last week I visited my Account Overview to check all was OK. I was surprised to see that there were 4 users attached to my Family Plan, and I removed them manually. Today I got a...
PlanPremiumFamily subscription CountryMoved from Netherlands to
Thailand. I changed this via payment method but I still see Netherlands
as country in my details. I filled in my address in Thailand and try to
add my girlfriend to the family subscripti...
Plan Premium Family subscription Country Moved from Netherlands to Thailand. I changed this via payment method but I still see Netherlands as country in my details. I filled in my a...
I've been subscribing to Spotify Premium Family for quite a while.Today
28/4/2020 I receive a sms says my card was charged for Spotify Premium
as usual. Alright I'm fine with that. However since, i'm no longer using
spotify as much as before. So I de...
I've been subscribing to Spotify Premium Family for quite a while. Today 28/4/2020 I receive a sms says my card was charged for Spotify Premium as usual. Alright I'm fine with that. H...
(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI had a
normal spotify account that I used on my phone. I have passed that phone
to my son and have now updated to family premium also adding my
daughter's phones. I can use it on my new pho...
...o family premium also adding my daughter's phones. I can use it on my new phone, as can my daughters, but when I try to add to my son's phone (my old phone) it says can't join my own plan. It seems to t...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryUKDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook
Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueHello, A member of my household has moved out so I have
removed them from my Premium Famil...
Plan Premium Family Country UK Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Hello,&n...
Question sir. Im currently live in the philippines and i want to subs to
family but i will using a card from uae would that be possible.. If yes.
I can my sister who live in uae?
Question sir. Im currently live in the philippines and i want to subs to family but i will using a card from uae would that be possible.. If yes. I can my sister who live in uae?
Hi,I have a Spotify Family account and 2 weeks ago I created a kid
account in Spotify kids. I can see my kid's account in the list of
accounts in my family but he does not appear in the family mix
accounts.I can only see regular accounts as contribut...
Hi, I have a Spotify Family account and 2 weeks ago I created a kid account in Spotify kids. I can see my kid's account in the list of accounts in my family but he does not appear in the family m...
In the family plan, who receives Spotify's connection notification to
other apps? The profile of the person who connected the app or the
profile of the administrator?
In the family plan, who receives Spotify's connection notification to other apps? The profile of the person who connected the app or the profile of the administrator?
When I try to join the family plan that I have setup it says we are in
different countries. Tried clearing cookies but it didn't help. userid:
backtracker.don Please can someone take a look. Thanks!
When I try to join the family plan that I have setup it says we are in different countries. Tried clearing cookies but it didn't help. userid: backtracker.don Please can s...
My daughter is the manager of the family and we have 4 people under the
plan. When I (Mom) add a song to my playlist it adds it onto my
daughter's list, why? How can I stop this from happening
My daughter is the manager of the family and we have 4 people under the plan. When I (Mom) add a song to my playlist it adds it onto my daughter's list, why? How can I stop this from h...
My Question or IssueI have just joined Family Premium and I added my son
to the users. When he received the link he didn't have a seperate
account so he clicked on it and put in my log in details. He now has his
own account but when I send him the li...
My Question or Issue I have just joined Family Premium and I added my son to the users. When he received the link he didn't have a seperate account so he clicked on it and put in m...