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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
I have renewed my payment for Spotify Premium for Family last September
9, with Order ID: [snip - Community Moderator edit] I have successfuly
added members to my Premium for Family, but now, October 10, it shows
that my account is just Spotify Free....
I have renewed my payment for Spotify Premium for Family last September 9, with Order ID: [snip - Community Moderator edit]
I have successfuly added members to my Premium for Family, but n...
PlanPremium CountryUSA DeviceMultiple Operating SystemMultiple My
Question or IssueI recently moved to a new home in a new community and
Spotify can't seem to find my address.Any and all help would be greatly
Plan Premium Country USA Device Multiple Operating System Multiple My Question or Issue I recently moved to a new home in a new community and Spotify can't se...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
PlanPremium DuoCountryPolandOperating SystemAndroid 8 and Windows 10 My
Question or IssueHi. I started Duo subscription two months ago. On the
first day on Duo Mix playlist were my and my girlfriend's songs. I
clicked 'Remove explicit songs' (or somt...
Plan Premium Duo Country Poland Operating System Android 8 and Windows 10 My Question or Issue Hi. I started Duo subscription two months ago. On the first day on Duo Mix playlist were ...
Plan PremiumCountry Canada Device(iPhone)Operating System(iOS 10 ) My
Question or Issue Someone has taken over my account and upgraded it to
the Family Plan. There were 5 more accounts added to the list. I went in
and removed all of themI got charged...
Plan Premium Country Canada Device (iPhone) Operating System (iOS 10 ) My Question or Issue Someone has taken over my account and upgraded it to the Family...
Why is Spotify's Account Management System Archaic?According to the FAQ,
if you have a family plan and change address:"It’s not possible to
change the address registered on an existing Premium for Family plan. If
you move, or enter the wrong details,...
Why is Spotify's Account Management System Archaic? According to the FAQ, if you have a family plan and change address: "It’s not possible to change the address registered on an existing P...
I was the first one to pay for a premium music streaming service in my
family and I chose Spotify over any other competitor without any second
thoughts. It was only around last year, a couple months after it
launched in Romania. My family members wer...
I was the first one to pay for a premium music streaming service in my family and I chose Spotify over any other competitor without any second thoughts. It was only around last year, a couple m...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryMexicoDevice(Moto E4 plus, Laptop Asus Zenbook,
Chrome, Firefox) My Question or IssueI can´t add my adress for family
Plan Family Premium Country Mexico Device (Moto E4 plus, Laptop Asus Zenbook, Chrome, Firefox) My Question or Issue I can´t add my adress for family premium.
No puedo confirmar dirección de domicilio para plan familiar premium. Lo
he intentado mil veces. Tengo otras dos cuentas que ingresaron
correctamente anterior a esta.
No puedo confirmar dirección de domicilio para plan familiar premium. Lo he intentado mil veces. Tengo otras dos cuentas que ingresaron correctamente anterior a esta.
PlanPremium FamilyCountryCanadaDeviceiPhone 8/Macbook AirOperating
SystemiOS 10My Question or IssueI was part of a family plan with whom I
no longer live with, so I took myself off the Premium for Family plan
and attempted to create my own family pla...
Plan Premium Family Country Canada Device iPhone 8/Macbook Air Operating System iOS 10 My Question or Issue I was part of a family plan with whom I no longer live with, so I took myself o...
PlanPremiumCountryAustralia DeviceiPhone XS Operating SystemiOS 12 My
Question or IssueWhen accessing family playlist none of my music is
included. I’m still listed as a member of the group. If I toggle off all
members of the family except me, no mus...
Plan Premium Country Australia Device iPhone XS Operating System iOS 12 My Question or Issue When accessing family playlist none of my music is included. I’m still l...
PlanPremium (Family)CountryScotland, United Kingdom DeviceIphone
7Operating SystemiOS 10 My Question or IssueWhy am I unable to listen to
music at the same time as someone else even though I have Family Plan, I
have also followed all the instructions...
Plan Premium (Family) Country Scotland, United Kingdom Device Iphone 7 Operating System iOS 10 My Question or Issue Why am I unable to listen to music at the same t...
PlanPremium, switched to family, then billed again at
premiumCountryUSADeviceMultiple, not an issueOperating SystemAndroid,
not an issue Ill do a timelineSigned up my son for spotify using my
email Changed bank info so was dropped from spotify for no...
Plan Premium, switched to family, then billed again at premium Country USA Device Multiple, not an issue Operating System Android, not an issue Ill do a timeline Signed up my son f...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryUK DevicePixel 3XL and PCOperating
SystemAndroid Q and Windows 10 My Question or IssueI am confused why I
am getting adverts while listening to podcasts and I know they are not
embedded because most of the time they are in Ge...
Plan Premium Family Country UK Device Pixel 3XL and PC Operating System Android Q and Windows 10 My Question or Issue I am confused why I am getting adverts while l...
Heres the tip Organizers of Spotify I as the parent provide for my 20yr
old Dependent Student studying in another State of Australia because we
had no option - she is fully funded by this Family and resides at this
address as her home address when sh...
Heres the tip Organizers of Spotify I as the parent provide for my 20yr old Dependent Student studying in another State of Australia because we had no option - she is fully funded by this Family a...
PlanPremiumCountryU.S.DeviceSamsung Galaxy 9Operating SystemAndroid My
Question or IssueI received e-mail this morning indicating that the T&Cs
for the Family plan have changed, with this as one of the changes:We
have updated the information on eligi...
Plan Premium Country U.S. Device Samsung Galaxy 9 Operating System Android My Question or Issue I received e-mail this morning indicating that the T&Cs for the Family plan have c...
Plan: Premium for familyCountry: Netherlands Device: Phones: iPhone 7,
Samsung galaxy s9+ Laptops: Lenovo x1 extreme, Lenovo T430)Operating
System(Windows 10, Android version 9, IOS 12.4.1) My Question or IssueI
own a premium for family account and w...
Me and my sister are currently enrolled in college, and we have been
using my family's family plan. While our residential address is still
the same, we live in dorms for 4-5 month periods of time. Given that,
for most part of the year, we are not res...
Me and my sister are currently enrolled in college, and we have been using my family's family plan. While our residential address is still the same, we live in dorms for 4-5 month periods of time....