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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi, I’ve got a problem..my family can’t join in the premium family
subscription.. it says- see attachment..Any idea? It’s happening to all
members.. thanks!
Hi, I’ve got a problem..my family can’t join in the premium family subscription.. it says- see attachment.. Any idea? It’s happening to all members.. thanks!
Hi, my Premium Family Account does not and never had an address since it
is linked to my Facebook account and Facebook does not allow me to enter
my address (only the city I live in). So how can my family members
verify they live at the same address?...
Hi, my Premium Family Account does not and never had an address since it is linked to my Facebook account and Facebook does not allow me to enter my address (only the city I live in). So h...
I signed up for family membership and put my girlfriends email address
in to invite her. She got an email but when she goes to register it says
the email is already in use, is that from the invite or a previous
I signed up for family membership and put my girlfriends email address in to invite her. She got an email but when she goes to register it says the email is already in use, is that from the invite o...
Hey spotify!!!So, after trying on multiple devices and browser and
getting more than a few invite emails, i'm stumped on what to do as i
continuously get the same messge;"Unable to join this Family plan. Try
again by clicking the ACCEPT INVITE button...
Hey spotify!!! So, after trying on multiple devices and browser and getting more than a few invite emails, i'm stumped on what to do as i continuously get the same messge; "Unable to join this Family...
Hi there, I tried to upgared my account to premium. But I couldn't
upload my document on mobile. After than i can't see again this page for
upload the dokument. But I paid 1,92 usd. How can i upload?
Hi there, I tried to upgared my account to premium. But I couldn't upload my document on mobile. After than i can't see again this page for upload the dokument. But I paid 1,92 usd. ...
İ have a problem with family account belongs to a friend. He closed his
family account and still i have family account. İ know if he paid i use
this until its end. But i dont want to use this. İ want my own family
account. When i try to buy, spotify ...
İ have a problem with family account belongs to a friend. He closed his family account and still i have family account. İ know if he paid i use this until its end. But i dont want to use this. İ w...
Hallo,ich habe meinen Mann per email eingeladen, doch kann irgendwie
nirgends den code eingeben. Ich habe auf den link in der email geklickt
und die daten erfasst, doch auf seinem tablet bleibt bei konto premium
trial stehen. Ist das richtig?vielen d...
Hallo, ich habe meinen Mann per email eingeladen, doch kann irgendwie nirgends den code eingeben. Ich habe auf den link in der email geklickt und die daten erfasst, doch auf seinem tablet bleibt bei...
Why is it that I paid for Family subscription on October 1st and yet my
family members will only get access to that service on October 30?And
why is it that it is so incredibly difficult to get any help with that
question? Julie
Why is it that I paid for Family subscription on October 1st and yet my family members will only get access to that service on October 30? And why is it that it is so incredibly difficult to get a...
I've subscribed and paid and got as far as receiving the email which
asks you to invite family. Clicked on link - it doesn't work takes you
Spotify screen but when you select family nothing happens! Aware there's
a problem with processing family requ...
I've subscribed and paid and got as far as receiving the email which asks you to invite family. Clicked on link - it doesn't work takes you Spotify screen but when you select family nothing h...
Şimdi beyler spotify öğrenci premium alcaktım.İşte kart bilgilerini
filan girdim.Sizden onaylana kadar para alınmıcak dendi.Ben de buna
güvenrek açılan pencere de ismimi üniyi filan girdim sonra okula kayıtlı
olduğuma dair ss i almak için alta aldım ...
Şimdi beyler spotify öğrenci premium alcaktım.İşte kart bilgilerini filan girdim.Sizden onaylana kadar para alınmıcak dendi.Ben de buna güvenrek açılan pencere de ismimi üniyi filan girdim sonra okul...
I'm trying to join my family account but I always get this error, what
does it mean - I'm putting in my correct address so I don't understand
why it isn't working.Can anyone help?
I'm trying to join my family account but I always get this error, what does it mean - I'm putting in my correct address so I don't understand why it isn't working. Can anyone help?
Olá, boa noite! Há alguns dias meu irmão criou uma conta premium
familiar e me enviou o convite para participar,até aí tudo bem, usufrui
dos serviços sem problema, porém hoje( 13/10) fui retirada do plano. Ao
receber o convite novamente, tentei me re...
Olá, boa noite! Há alguns dias meu irmão criou uma conta premium familiar e me enviou o convite para participar,até aí tudo bem, usufrui dos serviços sem problema, porém hoje( 13/10) fui retirada do ...