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Cobro doble a tarjeta

Cobro doble a tarjeta

Buen dia, tengo una cuenta de Spotify que actualmente funciona como free. Sin embargo hoy quise a aplicar a Premium como estudiante universitaria. Para eso llene los campos de la tarjeta de credito y pulse CONTINUAR. Una vez hice esto quise verificar los requisitos y me redirijieron a otra pagina, al dar regresar los datos de la tarjeta se habian borrado y tuve que volver a introducirlos. Por esto al parecer se me generaron 2 cobros por $7.490.


Ademas mi cuenta de Spotify esta conectada a Facebook, sin embargo los datos que ingrese esta vez contienen mi correo actual.


Quisiera saber como resolver lo de los cobros y si me llegaran instrucciones para conectar la suscripcion a mi cuenta vieja.



1 Reply

Hey @CatalinaLCH.


Thanks for getting in touch! Hope it's okay if we reply in English.


When you start subscribing but don't finish the process, you'll notice a pending charge which should expire after a few days. Your bank can tell you more how long you need to wait but usually it's not more than a few days. Take a look at this page if you are sure that we have charged you twice.


About being able to subscribe sucesfully for the Student Discount, it's important to be verified as a student. You can do this here. Try a different web-browser or incognito browsing session if it's not working.


Hope it does of course! So let us know if it's not working.


Have a nice day.

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