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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
iPhone / MacOS(iPhone 11, iPhone 13 Pro)Operating System(iOS 15.6, macOS
Monterey.)BrowserFirefox, Google Chrome, Safari I'm having general
issues with uploading Spotify CanvasHello, I'm working as a Content
Manager for a record label - and we have a...
Hello!Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears,
mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago,
while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the fact that the song
is added to your "liked songs" is...
Hello! Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears, mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago, while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADevicePlayStation 5Operating SystemPlayStation My
Question or IssueSome users are experiencing issues viewing video
streaming for podcasts
Plan Premium Country USA Device PlayStation 5 Operating System PlayStation My Question or Issue Some users are experiencing issues viewing video streaming for podcasts
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDevicePlaystation 5Operating
System21.01- Spotify version: 3.72 Issue: Ever
since Spotify’s new update on PS5, the audio for any song I play through
the PS5 Spotify app or even through the PS5 qu...
Plan Premium Country United States Device Playstation 5 Operating System 21.01- Spotify version: 3.72 Issue: Ever since Spotify’s new update on PS5,...
I previously had a Sony Walkman NWA-105 which I used exclusively as a
dedicated music device for stored music on the default app and Spotify.
It was getting a bit slow at times as the memory was quite full, and
then I dropped it in the bath (doh) so ...
I previously had a Sony Walkman NWA-105 which I used exclusively as a dedicated music device for stored music on the default app and Spotify. It was getting a bit slow at times as the memory was q...
My Question or IssueAfter a recent update of the Spotify App on my Sony
Bravia Smart TV, the search function no longer works correctly. At first
it started loading the Google speech search rather than the keyboard
option - now it just doesn't load ei...
My Question or Issue After a recent update of the Spotify App on my Sony Bravia Smart TV, the search function no longer works correctly. At first it started loading the Google s...
PlanPremiumCountryUS DevicePS4Operating SystemPS OS My Question or
IssueI have installed and reinstalled Spotfy more than 4 times in my PS4
but every time I try opening it, or linking it, it will load and load
and load, and after a couple of minutes ...
Plan Premium Country US Device PS4 Operating System PS OS My Question or Issue I have installed and reinstalled Spotfy more than 4 times in my PS4 but every time I tr...
My Question or IssueWhenever I try to launch Spotify from the PS4’s Home
Screen, it just goes to a blank screen and never loads any UI, at most
just a plain empty white border rectangle in the center. I can still
play music by controlling it from my ...
My Question or Issue Whenever I try to launch Spotify from the PS4’s Home Screen, it just goes to a blank screen and never loads any UI, at most just a plain empty white border rectangle in the cent...
My spotify connects to my PS4 PSN but when i try to link playstation to
spotify it doesn't work. I go to link account on my playstation, log in,
and it keeps sending me back to the sign in screen. I tried to link the
accounts on my computer but I kee...
...tried to link the accounts on my computer but I keep getting an error message saying an account is already linked. I've unlinked the only playstion linked to my spotify account and live chat sony. T...
My Question or Issue I was wondering how I would sort my playlist across
all devices, and for anyone that would be listening to it? I already
know how to sort my playlists on mobile, but it is only sorted on that 1
device. What should I do to sort it...
My Question or Issue I was wondering how I would sort my playlist across all devices, and for anyone that would be listening to it? I already know how to sort my playlists on mobile, but it ...
PlanPremiumCountryUS DevicePlayStation 5 My Question or IssueI keep
having this issue on the Spotify app for the PS5 in which it keeps
showing this error. I have this issue that when I play music and/or skip
to a next track it would show play the inc...
Plan Premium Country US Device PlayStation 5 My Question or Issue I keep having this issue on the Spotify app for the PS5 in which it keeps showing this error. ...
HelloMy daughter doesn't have a phone but would like to be able to
listen to music. I want to get her an MP3 player but finding it unclear
which ones ill be able to put the spofity app on. The last community
post I could find on this was early 2000 a...
Hello My daughter doesn't have a phone but would like to be able to listen to music. I want to get her an MP3 player but finding it unclear which ones ill be able to put the spofity app on. The last...
I am having trouble with it on the PS5. It is saying I have zero songs
in my liked playlist when I don’t And it keeps going in different
languages. And I have logged out of Spotify and re-downloaded it on the
I am having trouble with it on the PS5. It is saying I have zero songs in my liked playlist when I don’t And it keeps going in different languages. And I have logged out of Spotify and re-downloaded ...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDevicePlaystation 5Operating SystemNA My
Question or IssueThe Spotify app on the PS5 seems to be really buggy
when playing music from playlists containing local files. The issue
isn't that I would like to download those...
Plan Premium Country United States Device Playstation 5 Operating System NA My Question or Issue The Spotify app on the PS5 seems to be really buggy when playing music from playlists...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDevicePS5Operating System My Question or
IssueAnytime I'm playing music on my PS5 and need to pause the song it
will only pause for a second and then start playing again. I have to use
Spotify connect on my phone to for...
Plan Premium Country United States Device PS5 Operating System My Question or Issue Anytime I'm playing music on my PS5 and need to pause the song it will only pause for a sec...
Spotify have punished early adopters, many of who have invested hunders
of euros in compatible hardware, and have spent good money on a premium
subscription. They have taken their money, taken manufacturers license
money, and now destroy that valuabl...
Spotify have punished early adopters, many of who have invested hunders of euros in compatible hardware, and have spent good money on a premium subscription. They have taken their money, tak...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
PlanPremiumCountryU.S.A.Device(PlayStation 4 2014 release) My Question
or IssueWhen I try to play a playlist on Spotify through the PlayStation
quick menu, it says “Cannot obtain playlist”. I click to refresh and
then it says “An error has occurred (...
Plan Premium Country U.S.A. Device (PlayStation 4 2014 release) My Question or Issue When I try to play a playlist on Spotify through the PlayStation quick menu, it says “Cannot obtain...
It would be great to be able to have a slideshow of photos playing
whilst listening to music on your Smart TV applications. Maybe allow a
log in for Flickr, Google Photos or iCloud for us to be able to put
photos up whilst playing our favorite songs....
It would be great to be able to have a slideshow of photos playing whilst listening to music on your Smart TV applications. Maybe allow a log in for Flickr, Google Photos or iCloud for us to...
Plan: Premium for FamilyCountry: Portugal Device: Huawei Mate 9Operating
System: Android 8 My Question or Issue How can I cast via Spotify
Connect to a Spekers Group created on google Home?I have 3 Sony speakers
(HT-CT800, X88 and ZR7) with built in ...
...reated on google Home? I have 3 Sony speakers (HT-CT800, X88 and ZR7) with built in chromecast and spotify connect, but i'm only able to use spotify connect when casting to individual speakers. If i t...