Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
PlanDuo My Question or IssueI'm in the process of upgrading to Family plan from Duo, but i had a few questions of how it worked. I have a plan going for Duo already but don't know what will happen when i sign up for the Family plan. When signing up f...
PlanPremium IndividualCountryIndiaDeviceiPhone 11, Microsoft Windows, AndroidOperating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI want to switch to Family Plan, but when I try to change my existing plan to Family plan it thro...
PlanPremium/Family PlanCountryUSDeviceDesktop PC, Amazon Echo, iPhone, iPad, Samsung Note 9)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI have a Premium Plan, and my daughters and wife have free accounts. Several times...
Hello,I have a yearly subscription that has about 9 months remaining. However, my family recently got the family subscription (as it became available in our country).I would like to know if there's a way I can upgrade to our family's joint plan witho...
PlanFamily Plan PremiumCountryMetro Manila, PhilippinesDevice(Android Phone, Apple and Laptop)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueWhy does the family plan don't allow family members that does not live in the sp...
PlanPremiumCountryU.S.A.My Question or IssueCurrently I have spotify premium with hulu but am thinking about switching over to family plan to cut pricing down. Is there anyway to switch to family plan and keep hulu or is it just not possible?
I moved to luxembourg back to my Famillyhome. I want to set up a family spotify, but I assume I will need to change my country (currently set to UK). This does not work I changed my payement information to a Luxembourgish card by clicking on the "Cha...
PlanFamily PremiumCanada DeviceTried on my Microsoft PC and my MacBookOperating System(iOS 10/Windows 10) I have had premium for a while (outside of the free promo period). I attempted to get the Google Home, I was put on the waitlist. I received the...
PlanPremium Family Plan CountryCADevice(Samsung Galaxy Operating System(Android Oreo) My Question or IssueCannot access my family plan menu to add or manage. Says i have a family plan subscription yet still cannot access. Its frustrating. How can i g...
PlanPremiumCountry Germany My Question I am about to quit my current family and start a new one. Therefore I want to quit the current subscription as a member of a family account and create a new family account to become its owner and be able to invi...
I'm currently on the premium plan and want to switch to the family plan. However, I just paid for this month's premium plan on the 25. Will I just pay the difference between the two plans or do I have to pay the full $14.99 and not receive a partial ...
PlanPremium Family (now free 'cause canceled)CountryLithuaniaDeviceDesktopOperating SystemWin10 My Question or IssueMaking it short as it didn't save\post my previous post - Using the family plan for 6 people- Was paying within last year with the sam...
Plan PremiumCountry EgyptDevice(iPhone XS)Operating System(iOS 12) My Question or Issue Hello,After the amaing news of spotify being available in Egypt, I cannot change my premium account to family plan so that my family can get benefited from the di...
My family members have a free trail but I want to add them to a family plan (as my free trail is about to end). How does that affect payments etc?Been round the houses to try and get an answer to this, why not have a customer service tab or something...
PlanPremiumCountry USDevice(iPhone 6s, Macbook Pro late 2016) My Question or IssueI'm currently using a redeemed premium account on US spotify. Would I be able to switch to a family plan for a few months with my family as the plan owner and then swit...
I paid for my annual Premium account a couple months ago. I'm now thinking about getting the family plan.A couple questions associated with this.1) Can I pay the difference in one lump sum (like the Annual Premium account)?2) If that's not an option ...
I recently moved from the US to Spain, however, I started a family plan with PayPal linked to the united states and my son has his account set to Spain and he can't change it and now he isn't able to join my family plan. HELP!!
I just moved and got on my sister-in-law's family account but when asked to confirm the Postal code I wasn't sure of it and google maps gave me an incorrect postal code and it kicked me off of the family plan, is there any way I can get back onto the...
I recently paid for a year Premium. However, now family members want Spotify. How can I convert the account and recover the $99 year fee? I obviously do not want to pay $14.99 on top of the $99 I just spent.
I have posted twice already with no response to my problem. After starting the Family Premium plan, my family members are not all able to use it, even after accepting the invitation. It is still showing that they are in the FREE subscription. I was b...