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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
PlanPremiumCountryNorwayDeviceSamsung S9Operating SystemAndroid 11 My
Question or IssueWhenever a bluetooth device is connected to my phone,
Spotify automatically starts playing the last song it was paused on if
my phone makes any "noise". If I recie...
Plan Premium Country Norway Device Samsung S9 Operating System Android 11 My Question or Issue Whenever a bluetooth device is connected to my phone, Spotify automatically s...
PlanPremiumCountryGreeceDeviceNothing Phone 1 Operating SystemAndroid
13CarHyundai Tucson (2021) My Question or IssueMobile connected via
Bluetooth (not android auto with cable, only Bluetooth).Music plays from
Spotify. The title and the artwork cove...
Plan Premium Country Greece Device Nothing Phone 1 Operating System Android 13 Car Hyundai Tucson (2021) My Question or Issue Mobile connected via Bluetooth (not a...
PlanPremiumCountryUSDeviceSamsung Galaxy S21Operating System My Question
or IssueThis only happens when Bluetooth is turned on from my phone and
connected to headphones/speakers; the desktop app doesn't seem to have
an issue. I reset my WiFi-Bluetoot...
Plan Premium Country US Device Samsung Galaxy S21 Operating System My Question or Issue This only happens when Bluetooth is turned on from my phone and connected to h...
Hello, like many others i have the issue that my music mutes after
skipping a song manually, when connected to my Car via bluetooth. I then
need to turn the Volume of the car Up again or Press Play again. The
Song time-stence runs just perfectly alon...
Hello, like many others i have the issue that my music mutes after skipping a song manually, when connected to my Car via bluetooth. I then need to turn the Volume of the car Up again or Press Play a...
PlanPremiumCountry DeviceGoogle Pixel 5, 3a XL, Carpodgo Android Auto,
Volvo Grom Car BT3 Bluetooth SoundsystemOperating SystemAndroid 14 My
Question or IssueSpotify is usually connected in my car via Bluetooth to
my Soundsystem. When playing, Spotif...
Plan Premium Country Device Google Pixel 5, 3a XL, Carpodgo Android Auto, Volvo Grom Car BT3 Bluetooth Soundsystem Operating System Android 14 My Question or Issue Spotify i...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceSamsung Galaxy S10+Operating SystemAndroid 10
My Question or IssueI've noticed when connected to my car via bluetooth
(no android auto), the video part of any podcast will not load. The
audio will work, but it seems the vid...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Samsung Galaxy S10+ Operating System Android 10 My Question or Issue I've noticed when connected to my car via bluetooth (no android auto), the v...
PlanPremiumCountryDenmarkDeviceOnePlus 3TOperating SystemAndroid 8.0 My
Question or IssueApproximately 1-2 weeks ago, controls on my Bluetooth
headset stopped working, volume up/down works, but Play, Pause, and Skip
does not work anymore. Logging out...
Plan Premium Country Denmark Device OnePlus 3T Operating System Android 8.0 My Question or Issue Approximately 1-2 weeks ago, controls on my Bluetooth headset stopped working, v...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDeviceGalaxy S21, Galaxy Tab S8Operating
SystemAndroid 13 My Question or IssueOn Samsung Galaxy devices (my phone
and tablet), your earbuds have the ability to switch back and forth
between devices depending on what med...
Plan Premium Country United States Device Galaxy S21, Galaxy Tab S8 Operating System Android 13 My Question or Issue On Samsung Galaxy devices (my phone and tablet), your earbuds hav...
Hi there, I am unable to use my Gear Fit 2 Pro to remotely control music
on my galaxy device. Previously I was able to use my gear fit to
play/pause/change songs/playlists, etc. however this is no longer
working. When I go to settings > playback, and...
...owever this is no longer working. When I go to settings > playback, and select "remote" I get the message "Unable to start spotify. Connect to Bluetooth to start listening." The playback s...
Hi all! I have a particularly strange case. Using Samsung Galaxy S20.
Since recently, when I connect it to jbl charge 4 Bluetooth speaker,
strange cracking noises appear during music playback via Spotify. At 1st
i thought there is a problem with spea...
Hi all! I have a particularly strange case. Using Samsung Galaxy S20. Since recently, when I connect it to jbl charge 4 Bluetooth speaker, strange cracking noises appear during music playback v...
PlanPremiumCountrySpainDeviceXiaomi A3 Operating SystemAndroid one My
Question or IssueThe title/artist/álbum does not change in the car
screen. The first song that sounds still fixed. It was running well
until the last update. My car is a Toyota Aur...
Plan Premium Country Spain Device Xiaomi A3 Operating System Android one My Question or Issue The title/artist/álbum does not change in the car screen. The first song that so...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide
the easier it will be for us to try and
help.PlanPremiumCountryRussiaDeviceGoogle Pixel 4a 5GOperating
SystemAndroid 11 My Question or Issue The app launches automatically and
...ystem Android 11 My Question or Issue The app launches automatically and starts playing songs on mobile when I activate the Bluetooth, even if I don't connect my TWS (AirPods 2). How to r...
PlanPremiumCountryNorwayDeviceSamsung Galaxy 9/Galaxy Watch Active
2Operating SystemAndroid 10 / Tizen My Question or IssueWhile connected
to Active 2 Watch, both in standalone and remote mode the album/active
song screen does not update on phone. Bu...
Plan Premium Country Norway Device Samsung Galaxy 9/Galaxy Watch Active 2 Operating System Android 10 / Tizen My Question or Issue While connected to Active 2 Watch, both in ...
PlanPremiumCountryHungaryDeviceSamsung Galaxy A32, but also tried a
galaxy j6+Operating SystemAndroid 11 My Question or IssueMy Spotify
won't show the currently playing song on Android no matter what I do. I
turned off battery optimization completely...
...ven tried using different phones, different Bluetooth speakers, my car's sound system and an Xbox one too, but still it won't show it on the phone during playback. I can control the playback but the c...
Plan premium CountryUSA DeviceLGG7 ThinQ Operating System My Question or
IssueThis has been happenkng for two months or so now. Ive reset my
phone. Reset cleared and deleted and reinstalled the app. Tried
everything Google and these forums have sugge...
Plan premium Country USA Device LGG7 ThinQ Operating System My Question or Issue This has been happenkng for two months or so now. Ive reset my phone. R...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited KingdomDeviceXiaomi Mi8, Pixel 4a (5G)Operating
SystemAndroid 10, Android 11 My Question or IssueOn my previous and new
phone, the Bluetooth controls will not work, only volume. Play/pause,
skip forward and back will not work...
Plan Premium Country United Kingdom Device Xiaomi Mi8, Pixel 4a (5G) Operating System Android 10, Android 11 My Question or Issue On my previous and new phone, the Bluetooth c...
Operating SystemAndroid 9 My Question or IssueWhile listening to Google
Play Music via Bluetooth in my car, I can browse my library, select
tracks and view all songs in the current playlist via my car's
infotainment system (BMW iDrive).Spotify via Bl...
Operating System Android 9 My Question or Issue While listening to Google Play Music via Bluetooth in my car, I can browse my library, select tracks and view all songs in the c...
DeviceGalaxy S7Operating SystemAndroid 8.0.0 stockHeadphonesAllcaca
bluetooth 5.0 (Amazon link)My Question or IssueEvery time I either
connect my headphones with the Spotify app open, or open the app with my
headphones already connected, it automatic...
Device Galaxy S7 Operating System Android 8.0.0 stock Headphones Allcaca bluetooth 5.0 (Amazon link) My Question or Issue Every time I either connect my headphones with the Spotify app open, o...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceLG V60 ThinQOperating SystemAndroid 10.0My
Question or IssueI do not listen to music with Bluetooth. The audio
quality is unacceptable to me, and I have a phone with a built in HiFi
DAC and headphone jack. I plug my phone i...
Plan Premium Country USA Device LG V60 ThinQ Operating System Android 10.0 My Question or Issue I do not listen to music with Bluetooth. The audio quality is unacceptable to me, and I h...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceGoogle Pixel 4Operating SystemAndroid1 1
(with latest updates) My Question or IssueI recently bought a set of
Airpods Pros and have had a lot of trouble using them with spotify. If I
press play on the airpods, the music wil...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Google Pixel 4 Operating System Android1 1 (with latest updates) My Question or Issue I recently bought a set of Airpods Pros and have had a lot of tr...