I recently "upgraded" to Spotify Premium. I have to say the iPhone app is just horrid, so many bugs and so few basic features. These are the biggest problems I see with this app as it currently exists.
- If I select a song from my list, then lock my screen- if I unlock the screen by pressing home button twice, then hit the previous track button (repeatedly), it will simply restart the current track and will not advance to the previous track in my playlist. If I press track forward instead, Spotify will skip to a random track rather than the next track in my playlist, evne though shuffle is disabled.
- When starting the spotify app and selecting a playlist, the playlist is sorted from oldest-added track to newest. This means I have to scroll allllll the way down my entire playlist to get to my newest tracks, which are usually the ones I want to hear. This is idiotic; newest tracks should appear on the TOP of the playlist. Furthermore, there are no sorting options whatsoever. I should be able to sort by Artist Name, Track Name, Length, Newest, Oldest, etc. How are these basic features not included?
- Another annoyance to me personally, especially when I'm driving and I'm trying to navigate this app.. when you select a song from the playlist, the album art appears and the track plays, and you have to press "back" to return to the playlist. I wish I could disable this.. I don't care about the album art, it should only appear on the lock screen. When I select a track from my playlist, the song should play in the background and the view should remain on my playlist.
- The search engine is horrible, which is a problem with all versions of Spotify regardles of platform. Example: if you search for "jayz" you will get 0 hits. You'll only get hits if you search for "jay-z". I shouldn't have to be dead-on to get hits. If I type "Jayz" into google search, I still get Jay-z, regardless of how you spell it. Another example: I was trying to find a song called Hybrid on the iPhone app. So I queried "hybrid" and I had the *Tracks* tab selected. Even though the Tracks tab is selected, what shows up first in the list is not tracks titled Hybrid, but rather every track off the Linkin Park album called "Hybrid Theory". WTF? This tab is useless and doesn't actually dilineate the search results at all. Try it yourself if you don't believe me.
- Why is there no "Recently played" button anywhere on this app? When I'm listening to the Radio, there's no back button, so if you don't write down or take a screenshot of a song you liked, and Spotify advances to the next track.. it's gone forever, there is no history at all.
- Why doesn't my music go through my iPhone's equalizer like all the other audio that comes out of this phone? The audio quality is so flat and lifeless.. even a software equalizer would be something.
- Unrelated to the title, but where is the Windows 8 app for Spotify? Windows 8 has been out for over a year now...
Have I missed anything here guys? Do any of these annoyances ring true with you also?