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Can't reorder songs in a playlist on iPone


Can't reorder songs in a playlist on iPone

Upgraded to spotify, and I am paying for premium.

I can no longer change the order of songs in a playlist?? Why not? I used to be able to do this by touching the edit function then touching and holding to the right of the track and dragging up or down.

Is there another way to do it in the new version? Why on earth would you change this??

Also is there any way to change the order of playlists on the main home playlist screen? Mine seam to only be able to be ordered based on when they are created, this is somewhat limiting.

I only use mobile, on an iPhone 4s. No desktop.

Any help appreciated.

88 Replies

I'm assuming you clicked the reply button on the wrong post (I use the topic view, and so can see the hierarchy tree), and that you were responding to me 🙂


Indeed, you would think that - but the iOS apps and the Android apps are very different. The iOS app has a full tablet (iPad) layout, unlike the Android app (which can only just rotate to landscape).



For me the whole thing is really not understandable.. There is a iOS universal app running on iPhone and iPad.. on ipad there is the possibility to rearrange tracks. So why it isn't possible on my phone? Seriously basic app problems? Why it work on the iPad than?

@user-removed wrote:

For me the whole thing is really not understandable.. There is a iOS universal app running on iPhone and iPad.. on ipad there is the possibility to rearrange tracks. So why it isn't possible on my phone? Seriously basic app problems? Why it work on the iPad than?

It's probably due to the way they use their views that made the app crash using the re-arrange view on the iPhone, and it would've been easier to leave it out to add more features to the app.

This is exaclty why the app is suffering though. ITunes Radio is a thing that no one I know wants. I don't want a company telling me what to listen to. And that's a sense you can feel builind in consumers accross music and tech blogs globally. What I want is the app I paid for with the services I was promised. I WANT a basic mp3 player with basic functionality. So if all of this has to do with competing on some level with ITunes Radio, then Spotify is way more out of the loop and out of touch with their client base than I thought they were.

Also, are ANY of these replies over the last several... wow... MONTHS from anyone who actually works for Spotify? My subscription was cancelled two days ago, so I don't know why it matters at all now. I guess I'm just wrapped up in the hilariously bad PR/customer service-aspect of it all.

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The new update out today now allows you to re-arrange tracks again! 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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@MattSuda wrote:

The new update out today now allows you to re-arrange tracks again! 

Hoooooray, you can all stop going on about it now 😛

I shall go and check it out...somehow - any others tried it yet?  Reluctant to upgrade iPad app from the old "working" version...


Also, what news on playlist re-ordering on Android Spotify app?  Or did Spotify think this was plaform dependent!  Clearly this is not the case, but I am of course stating the obvious.


Let's keep the momentum going instead of re-directing to Android specific Spotify forums/other.  I'm sure they're buried away and discarded as not being relevant.  I simply don't have the patience to re-state the case somewhere else, not should I really have to.  It is the same as iOS.  I am an iOS, MAC & Android user, and I [like others] require parity of features across all OS platforms.



Excellent thanks, have tried it and confirm it works, would be nice to be able to rearrange started tracks too (let's face it, that's where the majority of folk save too) but glad there's progress.

Thanks BarryH - will give it a go.


I can't reorder songs even on my MacBook. It's a drag that this feature is defunct, but I did find a workaround:


1. I changed the name of the playlist that was mis-ordered to "mistake."


2. I created a new playlist with the correct name: "The Official OCEAN CITY LOWDOWN Soundtrack" (which you should definitely play, BTW, while you read my new Kindle ebook of the same name!)


3. I quickly moved the songs from the "mistake" playlist over to "The Official OCEAN CITY LOWDOWN Soundtrack" playlist, in the correct order. I did this by hovering over the right side of the "track" field of each song to get the dropdown menu. I selected "Add to..." and chose the new playlist, and boom, the new playlist was done, in the order I wanted.


Again, irritating to have to do such a workaround--but the fact is, the whole thing took me less than two minutes.




Was there a point buried within this white noise?  Ah, self promotion. Got it.  Subtle genius, you are.

Let me simplify a post I recently made about a workaround to this problem that took me less than two minutes to implement. In my previous post I used an example from my work. So as not to offend the delicate, here's a sanitized version of my workaround:


1. Change the name of the playlist that was mis-ordered to "mistake."


2. Create a new playlist with the correct name.


3. Move the songs from the "mistake" playlist over to new, correct playlist, in the correct order. Do this by hovering over the right side of the "track" field of each song to get the dropdown menu. Select "Add to..." and chose the new playlist, and boom, the new playlist is done, in the order you wanted.


Irritating to have to do such a workaround--but the fact is, the whole thing was quick and easy.



Agree reordering songs in a playlist is pretty controversial (messed up albums etc) and pretty convoluted from a coding perspective; though how about reordering the folders to bring up only the offline synced folders to the top. It'll mean that I don't end up spending precious minutes scrolling through my 200 folders for a green offline symbol...:-)

Dear Pramod,


I'm unsure as to how the re-ordering of mucis tracks within a given playlist could be considered "pretty controversial".  I do enjoy my imagination being stretched, but one has limits. 


Tracks must flow.   As you discover and incorporate new tracks into a playlist, the flow [mood, tempo, trends, time etc] must be maintained.  This is achieved by manual adjustment of the tracks.  This isn't a "blue-sky" feature request, it is simple logic for any individual connected to music.


My £0.02.



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@TH agree to disagree on that as my theory of listening to music is slightly different.. I'm more of a full album, single artist listener giving me the space, mood, time, feel, sense of atmosphere within the studio/at the concert etc. different strokes for...hence my "controversial" remark.. I'm different in the way my music is wired to me... I personally wouldn't care too much about the option to reorganizie songs within my playlists which just happen to be one album after another in order of release..: enough blah-ing around!

Yes I agree .it is rediculous you cannot organise the playlists on the iPhone app

Agree Kimkash.... with over a hundred and fifty playlists, this becomes quite an issue when all you want is to see the playlists that you have made offline first rather than scrolling through the hundreds that aren't.


I accept your solution... however would love to see just this work a bit better as one of Spotify's updates.

This works for me now. Not for you guys?

15 months later.


Now I've got an Samsung Android.  And I still can't re-order songs within a playlist.  


Care to share how you're doing this guys? do you have iphones or android?


You'd think 16 months was enough time to put this regressed functionality back in. Aparently not.

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