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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
PlanPremiumCountryHungaryDeviceSamsung Galaxy S10 eOperating
SystemAndroid 11My Question or IssueAfter the recent update whenever I
want to play a song and tap on it it is showing that it started but the
timer and the song won't start only if I seek ...
Plan Premium Country Hungary Device Samsung Galaxy S10 e Operating System Android 11 My Question or Issue After the recent update whenever I want to play a song and tap on it it is s...
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDeviceXiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro GlobalOperating
SystemAndroid 10 + MIUI 12.0.2Spotify App Version8.6.44.851 My Question
or IssueHello there, whenever I connect my phone to a car (doesn't
matter which one, I've tried three cars ...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Global Operating System Android 10 + MIUI 12.0.2 Spotify App Version My Question or Issue Hello there, whenev...
I have been premium member for a long time, this app USED to be the best
music app there was. I'm not going to get into all the irritating
updates you guys have been rolling out that NO ONE likes or wanted.
Bring back the radio option you just took d...
I have been premium member for a long time, this app USED to be the best music app there was. I'm not going to get into all the irritating updates you guys have been rolling out that NO ONE likes or ...
what happened to old display of instagram stories it was basically just
a square shaped frame why did you even change it it was awesome and now
it sucks its like a cubey thing that i don't even know how to describe
what it is. is there a way that i c...
what happened to old display of instagram stories it was basically just a square shaped frame why did you even change it it was awesome and now it sucks its like a cubey thing that i don't even know ...
I open the app and a random title I have played at some point will be on
the playback bar. The play button won't do anything the pause button
doesn't do anything. If I click on a song it will play it regardless of
where I found the song. If I try to ...
I open the app and a random title I have played at some point will be on the playback bar. The play button won't do anything the pause button doesn't do anything. If I click on a song it will play it...
please lower the ads back to once every 30 minutes because it was the
lack of ads that made this platform once great. Please, hold up to your
please lower the ads back to once every 30 minutes because it was the lack of ads that made this platform once great. Please, hold up to your reputation.
As a musician and a music fan, I require a good sound experience. It
would be great to have the Spotify's library in the Poweramp app. So we
can take advantage using the Poweramp excelent equalizer, or, Spotify
can provide us a good EQ and not using ...
As a musician and a music fan, I require a good sound experience. It would be great to have the Spotify's library in the Poweramp app. So we can take advantage using the Poweramp excelent equalizer, ...
PlanPremiumCountryCanadaDeviceSamsung galaxy A51Operating SystemAndroid
version 11 , spotify version Question or IssueWhen i click
on a song it doesnt play stays at 0:00. When i scrub through the song to
the last 30 seconds of any song i...
Plan Premium Country Canada Device Samsung galaxy A51 Operating System Android version 11 , spotify version My Question or Issue When i click on a song it doesnt play sta...
PlanPremiumCountryU.S.DeviceSamsung Galaxy 8Operating SystemAndroid My
Question or IssueI used to have a section on the main screen of the app
that would show me new episodes of the podcasts I follow. It has
disappeared completely, and a reinstall di...
Plan Premium Country U.S. Device Samsung Galaxy 8 Operating System Android My Question or Issue I used to have a section on the main screen of the app that would show me ...
PlanPremiumCountryrussia DeviceRedmi 9 Operating SystemAndroid 11My
Question or IssueGood day, I have an issue with a specific album - The
Sixty Nine Eyes album "Back in blood" (yes, the algorithm don't allow to
write numbers here).So:Im a fan of the...
Plan Premium Country russia Device Redmi 9 Operating System Android 11 My Question or Issue Good day, I have an issue with a specific album - The Sixty Nine Eyes album "Back in b...
Currently running Android 11 on a Pixel 4a. I have about 2400 songs
downloaded and saved into folders and playlists based on genre and band
name. Because Spotify will not allow me to Shuffle play an entire folder
(genre) , I've simply liked all my do...
Currently running Android 11 on a Pixel 4a. I have about 2400 songs downloaded and saved into folders and playlists based on genre and band name. Because Spotify will not al...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
PlanPremiumCountryUSDevicePixel 4 XLOperating SystemAndroid 10 My
Question or IssueGot a iOttie wireless car charger a month or so ago
It was fine for a bit t...
Plan Premium Country US Device Pixel 4 XL Operating System Android 10 My Question or Issue Got a iOttie wireless car charger a month or so ago (https://store.google.com/us/produ...
I think the default sorting for podcasts should be to sort by podcasts
who have the newest episode. Right now it's based on when I started
following that podcast.
I think the default sorting for podcasts should be to sort by podcasts who have the newest episode. Right now it's based on when I started following that podcast.
I’ve reset my phone and logged off on all devices but some songs just
will not play even if I am connected to the internet. I have had premium
for years and haven’t had a problem, I don’t know what’s happening now.
It’s not just a playlist either it’...
I’ve reset my phone and logged off on all devices but some songs just will not play even if I am connected to the internet. I have had premium for years and haven’t had a problem, I don’t know what’s...
PlanPremiumCountryIndiaDeviceLG G8X (2019)Operating SystemAndroid
10IssueThis bug only recently appeared for me and I have not seen any
mentions either in any of the community posts. When I start a new queue
from my saved songs and press the repeat b...
Plan Premium Country India Device LG G8X (2019) Operating System Android 10 Issue This bug only recently appeared for me and I have not seen any mentions either in any of the community ...
PlanPremiumCountryU.S.A.DeviceGoogle Pixel 3a XLOperating SystemAndroid
version 11 My Question or IssueJust a little bit ago, I switched from my
earbuds to my Home Speaker Group, then after the song that was playing
ended, the one that played before ...
Plan Premium Country U.S.A. Device Google Pixel 3a XL Operating System Android version 11 My Question or Issue Just a little bit ago, I switched from my earbuds to my Home Speaker Gr...
PlanFamily Premium DeviceHuawei p smart 2018Operating SystemAndroid 9 My
Question or Issue Hello,I have this issue:When I open app on android
smartphone it takes ages to open and then says " No Internet Connection
Available" although I have strong wi...
Plan Family Premium Device Huawei p smart 2018 Operating System Android 9 My Question or Issue Hello, I have this issue: When I open app on android smartphone it take...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited States DeviceSamsung Galaxy S21Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueThe My Episodes tab does not count the
number of podcasts correctly. It shows 14 episodes in the queue when
only 12 are there. I have tried clearing c...
Plan Premium Country United States Device Samsung Galaxy S21 Operating System Android My Question or Issue The My Episodes tab does not count the number of podcasts correctly...