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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
We are Premium Spotify users. We create lots of playlists and download
lots of musics. If my phone stops working or does not work a feature
properly, I should have the ability of backup spotify playlists and
musics. I downloaded 8GB music with Spotif...
We are Premium Spotify users. We create lots of playlists and download lots of musics. If my phone stops working or does not work a feature properly, I should have the ability of backup spotify playl...
Plan Premium Country India Device (Samsung Galaxy A31) Operating System (Android) My Question or Issue Would reinstalling spotify delete my liked songs?
PlanPremiumCountryUnited statesDeviceSamsung Galaxy S22 UltraOperating
SystemAndroid 13 My Question or IssueMy issue is that the plus button is
now replaced by the heart and I don't know why they would switch it back
to the heart so i was wondering i...
Plan Premium Country United states Device Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Operating System Android 13 My Question or Issue My issue is that the plus button is now replaced by the heart and ...
As far as I know, you can find the 'Add to HomeScreen' feature once you
tap the three dots next to a playlist, I don't have that feature, what
can I do?
As far as I know, you can find the 'Add to HomeScreen' feature once you tap the three dots next to a playlist, I don't have that feature, what can I do?
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDeviceXiaomi Redmi Note 10 ProOperating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueHello, I had the „Explore your genres“
feature via the Android app when I opened the search. Now the feature
has suddenly disappeared. I am aware that ...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hello, I had the „Explore your genres“ feature via the Android app...
Hello,I'm writing because I've had a problem with Spotify on my Android
phone (OnePlus 6) for several weeks now. The sound is abnormally low
when I want to listen to music, I've seen that there are many topics
with this problem. But on top of that I ...
Hello, I'm writing because I've had a problem with Spotify on my Android phone (OnePlus 6) for several weeks now. The sound is abnormally low when I want to listen to music, I've seen that there are...
PlanPremiumCountryUsaDeviceSamsung Galaxy Flip 3Operating SystemAndroid
My Question or IssueThere's a reason I don't have a TikTok or a Twitter
or anything like that. Mindlessly swiping in a social media app is a
icky gross bad feeling to me. I'm not...
Plan Premium Country Usa Device Samsung Galaxy Flip 3 Operating System Android My Question or Issue There's a reason I don't have a TikTok or a Twitter or anything like that. Mindle...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device cricket debut smart Operating System
android 12 My Question or Issue / after disabling google's play service
and play store i got a message from google saying spotify won't work
unless i enabled google's services, now i...
PlanPremiumCountryPortugalDevicePOCO X3 ProOperating SystemMIUI Global
14.0.2Android 13 My Question or IssueInitially the app started taking a
long time to load, it always showed up "No internet connection" despite
it being connected, but in about 1 ...
Plan Premium Country Portugal Device POCO X3 Pro Operating System MIUI Global 14.0.2 Android 13 My Question or Issue Initially the app started taking a long time to load, it always ...
PlanPremiumCountryUSDeviceSony Bravia: Android 9Samsung S22 Ultra:
Android 11PC(s): Windows 10&11 My Question or Issue Spotify for Android
TV v 1.76.1 will show songs in a playlist (not even greyed out) that
have been hidden from said playlist on my ...
Plan Premium Country US Device Sony Bravia: Android 9 Samsung S22 Ultra: Android 11 PC(s): Windows 10&11 My Question or Issue Spotify for Android TV v 1.76.1 w...
PlanPremiumCountryDenmarkDeviceOnePlus 3TOperating SystemAndroid 8.0 My
Question or IssueApproximately 1-2 weeks ago, controls on my Bluetooth
headset stopped working, volume up/down works, but Play, Pause, and Skip
does not work anymore. Logging out...
Plan Premium Country Denmark Device OnePlus 3T Operating System Android 8.0 My Question or Issue Approximately 1-2 weeks ago, controls on my Bluetooth headset stopped working, volume...
PlanPremiumCountry United StatesDevice(Pixel 7)Operating System(Android
14) My Question or IssueWhen enabling Equalizer, bass boost is now
automatically on, making the music sound flat when its set at none, when
sliding the bass boost enhancement all...
Plan Premium Country United States Device (Pixel 7) Operating System (Android 14) My Question or Issue When enabling Equalizer, bass boost is now automatically on, maki...
I have my setting turned on to allow background play but every time I
try and play something I'll the background halfway through the song it
just stops.
I have my setting turned on to allow background play but every time I try and play something I'll the background halfway through the song it just stops.
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceGoogle Pixel 6Operating SystemAndroid 14 My
Question or IssueWhen opening a playlist and changing from shuffle to
shuffle off, it will only play the current song and then stop. To escape
this I need to turn shuffle off and ...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Google Pixel 6 Operating System Android 14 My Question or Issue When opening a playlist and changing from shuffle to shuffle off, it will only play th...
I wanted to find new music on spotify, instead of listening to the same
playlists and songs. On my pc, I can use the song radio feature, but on
my Google pixel / android it's not there. So does it only work on
pc?PlanFreeCountrydenmarkDeviceGoogle Pi...
I wanted to find new music on spotify, instead of listening to the same playlists and songs. On my pc, I can use the song radio feature, but on my Google pixel / android it's not there. So does ...
PlanPremium (Student)CountryUSDeviceSamsung Galaxy S9Operating
SystemAndroid 10 My Question or IssueI use the queue function often to
see what songs I've added and rearrange/remove them, as well as see what
auto-play has put in shuffle. A few days ag...
Plan Premium (Student) Country US Device Samsung Galaxy S9 Operating System Android 10 My Question or Issue I use the queue function often to see what songs I've added and rearrange/...
Suggesting enabling / including a check box feature for playlists. Being
that I add multiple songs to a playlist & after playback, I will keep
some. So since there's several unwanted songs left over.... a check box
ability makes it MUCH EASIER to rem...
Suggesting enabling / including a check box feature for playlists. Being that I add multiple songs to a playlist & after playback, I will keep some. So since there's several unwanted songs left o...