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PS4 app "Error connecting to playstation network"


PS4 app "Error connecting to playstation network"

I tried to upgrade my free Spotify account to a student premium account (that is linked to my PS4) but it wouldn't work so the Spotify team suggested they free up my email address so I can create a new account. 


I created the new account and then Spotify deleted my old account.  I'm now unable to access Spotify on either my PS4 or PS3.  I assume I needed to sign out first but I wasn't told this.  I've tried leaving the PS4 at that screen then trying to use 'Spotify connect' to send music to the PS4 but this also doesn't work.


I've also uninstalled and reinstalled.  I just don't understand why there isn't a sign out option so I can sign in using my new account details. 

62 Replies
Marked as solution

@user-removed wrote:

I've finally figured this out! This solution will unlink the current Spotify account from your Playstation Network, and then allows you to re-set up the app with the desired credentials. Try this:


1. Log out of Playstation’s Network from the Playstation.
2. Follow this link on a computer or any device other than the Playstation.
3. After logging in, select the ‘Unlink’ hyperlink to unlink the old Spotify account from the Playstation Network account.
4. Log back in to Playstation’s Network from the Playstation and open the Spotify app.
5. You will then be asked to enter your login credentials for the new account.
After many frustrating hours and unsuccesful communication with Spotify and Sony, this solved my issue. I hope this works for anyone else having the same issue. Good luck!

@Thanks @user-removed! My Spotify has been stuck showing that error message for the last 6 months.


I ran into trouble unlinking Spotify from my PS4 on step 2. After signing in, the page was stuck displaying a message of "Please Wait...". I thought it was a browser issue, but it also happened in Safari, Chrome and Firefox.


If you're also seeing "Please Wait..." message, contact Playstation's Live Chat and ask them to unlink your Spotify account for you. That finally got mine up and running.

tks man, you helped me a lot!!!!!

Tried doing this but after clicking the link I was left on a loading screen after logging in. Any suggestions?

Since the link to unlink Spotify and PSN wasn’t working for me (some API
issue from the server), I called Sony and they unlinked Spotify on their
end. I signed back on and it’s working.

Wont work for me. Tried logging on my computer too.I can have it play through my playstation but cant control through my playstation

i tried every option listed here and none would work until i just started a text chat with psn support and had them unlink the accounts. took a little time to get them to understand i had tried all other options, but eventually they did what i asked and it worked!

Yes, I'm sure they can do it I just don't have the time to sit there and
have them treat you like you don't know what you're doing....

I just want to say that it sucks so much! I'm sorry about app makers, what a terrible app

Calling them up works. I kept having issues even with using the phone app to play Spotify so called them up and just said can you unlink my Spotify account from my psn account didn't take long about 4mins. If you just ask them to do the one thing they are quicker as they don't try and problem solve just be insistent.

after you click on the link: to "unlink" your account and the page doesnt load, its not a problem with your browser. Just contact playstation using their live chat and ask them to "unlink your spotify account" since the link that was provided is not loading. 


After playstation chat support "unlinks" your account, then you can start up spotify again and it will ask you to login again.


This is what was happening to me and it was resolved in less than 5 mins after talking to them over chat. Hope this helps.




My spotify is not working

Finally something that worked for me, thank you so much for the help!

Marked as solution



In this Spotify support documentation you can read:


Note: If you created your Spotify account with Facebook, you can use Spotify on PlayStation® via Spotify Connect

That's why the solutions here say to use the smartphone app to launch the PS3 app.

You probably created your Spotify account with Facebook and this is the source of the error.

But I had problems with Spotify Connect too, so that's what I did:

- go to my spotify account and set a password to login with username and password

- go to my, go to app settings, remove spotify app.

- go here and unlink PSN and Spotify

- launch the Spotify app on the PS3, and then do login with username and password.



Got it! Thanks Sony, Facebook and Spotify for this amazing experience...

Thank you very much m8!

This link is broken and will cycle as if it's loading forever. 

spotify is the worst app I have ever used thus far and if spotify doesn't want to address this issue and get it fixed, for the thousands of frustrated poeple out there, then i will cancel my subscription and go back to downloading my own music. WORST COMPANY EVER.

It doesnt work. the links dont load, live chat does not load, tried on multiple devices and browsers. i called playstation support and they were no help. they told me i needed to sign into my old spotify account, that is already deleted, and sign out of all devices. which is impossible SINCE ITS DELETED. then said "well youll have to contact spotify to recover your account so you can sign out of all devices" makes no sence. **bleep**ing hate playstation. saving up for an xbox.

That's strange when I was having my issue I told them to unlink my account and they did it for me. Just insist that they do it

YES!  A WORKING SOLUTION!  Got me back online real quick!  Thanks!!!

Same problem

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