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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Premium Family PlanCountryUK DeviceN/A Operating SystemN/A My Question
or IssueMy partner and I are temporarily living separately for the
duration of lockdown (she works for the NHS and I'm immunocompromised).
She's rented a place close to the nearby...
Premium Family Plan Country UK Device N/A Operating System N/A My Question or Issue My partner and I are temporarily living separately for the duration of l...
Bonjour, Je souhaite renouveler mon abonnement étudiant sachant qu'il
est toujours valide jusqu'au 31 aôut. Cependant, lorsque je vais dans
"démarrer spotify premium" puis "voir plus d'offre", je clique ensuite
sur "spotify etudiant", ça me renvoie s...
Bonjour, Je souhaite renouveler mon abonnement étudiant sachant qu'il est toujours valide jusqu'au 31 aôut. Cependant, lorsque je vais dans "démarrer spotify premium" puis "voi...
My husband got a new phone and can't figure out how to get his account
back. I am the plan manager and can't figure it out either. Is there a
way to retrieve his information? Or does he have to start all over
again? Thanks for your help
My husband got a new phone and can't figure out how to get his account back. I am the plan manager and can't figure it out either. Is there a way to retrieve his information? Or doe...
PlanFamily Premium (trying to join-- for now I'm still on the free
account)CountryFranceDeviceHuawei Y6 2017 / Asus TP201SA / a variety of
other computers (I tried from every computer we had at home...)Operating
SystemAndroid / Windows 10 My Question...
Plan Family Premium (trying to join-- for now I'm still on the free account) Country France Device Huawei Y6 2017 / Asus TP201SA / a variety of other computers (I tried from every computer we h...
Hello everybody,Yesterday I try too change premium for family premium
spotify take twoo times money from my acount but status of acount is
still only premium.How long I must wait till it's change form family
Hello everybody, Yesterday I try too change premium for family premium spotify take twoo times money from my acount but status of acount is still only premium. How long I must wait till it's c...
PlanFamily PremiumGermany DeviceLaptop, Galaxy S7, Sonos Play:3Operating
SystemWindows 10, Android, Sonos My Question or IssueHello,I was just
reading a few posts but I want to address this problem right here. After
upgrading to premium family playba...
Plan Family Premium Germany Device Laptop, Galaxy S7, Sonos Play:3 Operating System Windows 10, Android, Sonos My Question or Issue Hello, I was just reading a few posts b...
I cant seem to find anywhere to start my family plan and add family
members??help?? PlanPremiumCountrySouth AfricaDeviceHUwai P20
proOperating SystemWindows 10 My Question or IssueI cant seem to find
anywhere to start my family plan and add family me...
I cant seem to find anywhere to start my family plan and add family members?? help?? Plan Premium Country South Africa Device HUwai P20 pro Operating System Windows 10 My Q...
Germany: In dieser Ausnahmezeit, in der wegen Coronavirus alle zu Hause
bleiben sollen, möchte ich einer mir bekannten 5köpfigen Familie fpr
zwei Monate oder länger Spotify Family schenken. Aber wie kann ich das
machen? Spotify Gutscheine von der Tan...
Germany: In dieser Ausnahmezeit, in der wegen Coronavirus alle zu Hause bleiben sollen, möchte ich einer mir bekannten 5köpfigen Familie fpr zwei Monate oder länger Spotify Family...
PlanFamilyCountryUKDeviceOnePlus 7Operating SystemAndroid 10My Question
or IssueI have recently upgraded to the family account, so I can get 5
different accounts under one roof. However, if a family member plays
Spotify on either the Google Home Mini...
Plan Family Country UK Device OnePlus 7 Operating System Android 10 My Question or Issue I have recently upgraded to the family account, so I can get 5 different accounts under one roof. H...
Al momento de registrar el método de pago de mi plan familiar premium se
hace un cargo a la tarjeta por un valor menor ($ 14.900 COP) a la cuota
mensual ($ 22.900 COP), quisiera saber a que corresponde dicho cargo y
si es reembolsable al momento de p...
Al momento de registrar el método de pago de mi plan familiar premium se hace un cargo a la tarjeta por un valor menor ($ 14.900 COP) a la cuota mensual ($ 22.900 COP), quisiera saber a que correspon...
Signed up through PS4 for SPotify premium. I want to upgrade it to
family but can't find an option through PS4 for that. So I've cancelled
the auto-renew and revoked access by PSStore. How do I dissociate my PS4
account so I can upgrade to family. I ...
Signed up through PS4 for SPotify premium. I want to upgrade it to family but can't find an option through PS4 for that. So I've cancelled the auto-renew and revoked access by PSStore. &n...
I have two kid profiles on my premium family account, and they each
listen on their own respective phones. However, the playback from one
profile "leaks" to the other phone, which means that one can control the
other one's playback, and they cannot l...
I have two kid profiles on my premium family account, and they each listen on their own respective phones. However, the playback from one profile "leaks" to the other phone, which means that one c...
Plan: PremiumCountry: UKDevice: MightyOperating System: iOSMy Question
or IssueI have a Spotify Mighty that I have previously used, but when I
try now it tells me I have reached the limit of offline playback devices
on my Premium account. So I want t...
Plan: Premium Country: UK Device: Mighty Operating System: iOS My Question or Issue I have a Spotify Mighty that I have previously used, but when I try now it tells me I have reached the li...
I started with Spotify free. Almost 1 week ago I paid for 1 Year
premium. (A few days before the end of my free period) At the moment my
account still shows ‘Free’ and I still can’t use premium. My next
payment shows I have to pay 10 euro next week. ...
I started with Spotify free. Almost 1 week ago I paid for 1 Year premium. (A few days before the end of my free period) At the moment my account still shows ‘Free’ and I still can’t use premium. My n...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryCanadaDeviceSamsung s10 +Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueI have a Premium Family subscription,
and I've been charged twice in a month since October (the payments are
every 13th and 23rd). That was confirmed by my ...
Plan Premium Family Country Canada Device Samsung s10 + Operating System Android My Question or Issue I have a Premium Family subscription, and I've been charged twice in a m...
PlanPremiumCountryUSDeviceIphone 6plusOperating SystemiOS 12My Question
or IssueI was invited to join spotify premium family. Looking ahead to
be a year I join the family package. I do not know whether after the
expiration of the period of one year, ...
Plan Premium Country US Device Iphone 6plus Operating System iOS 12 My Question or Issue I was invited to join spotify premium family. Looking ahead to be a year I join the family package. I...
Hello I have a premium family subscription and I sent an invite to my
son but when we go to create an account for him we are stuck in an
endless loop trying to prove that he is not a robot. I have tried
creating an account on several different comput...
Hello I have a premium family subscription and I sent an invite to my son but when we go to create an account for him we are stuck in an endless loop trying to prove that he is not a robot.&n...
PlanPremiumCountryLithuaniaDeviceOneNote 7T ProOperating SystemAndroid,
Windows 10 My Question or IssueI tried joining spotify family and I got
an error: There was a problem, try again later. When I connected to my
profile it automatically changed my...
Plan Premium Country Lithuania Device OneNote 7T Pro Operating System Android, Windows 10 My Question or Issue I tried joining spotify family and I got an error: There was a p...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryBelgium. My Question or IssueWe want the
Premium Family, since we live at one address. But my parents are
currently on vacation in Spain. Is it still possible to activate it
while they're there? Thanks in advance! Ynias
Plan Premium Family Country Belgium. My Question or Issue We want the Premium Family, since we live at one address. But my parents are currently on vacation in Spain. Is it still p...