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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremium (Family) CountryGermany DeviceiPhone 6 Operating SystemiOS
12 My Question or IssueI have a family subscription for several years
now and everythng was working fine. Today my daughter got downgraded to
"free" although I confirmed her addre...
Plan Premium (Family) Country Germany Device iPhone 6 Operating System iOS 12 My Question or Issue I have a family subscription for several years now and e...
PlanPremium for FamilyCountry USADeviceiPhone 6sOperating System(iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I signed up for the
family plan and invited my spouse. She received and accepted the
invitation. But both of our phones show ...
Plan Premium for Family Country USA Device iPhone 6s Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I signed up for the family plan a...
Hi. Considering switching from apple music family plan to spotify family
plan. I live in the US but I have kids in Israel. Can I add them to my
plan? I saw posts that the family plan is not available in Israel. Is
that an issue for me as my account i...
Hi. Considering switching from apple music family plan to spotify family plan. I live in the US but I have kids in Israel. Can I add them to my plan? I saw posts that the family plan is not a...
I move from a shared flat to another. They both use Spotify Family. I'd
like to change from one to the other without loss of my playlists of
course.How do I do that?I'm owner of none of the two running
abonnements, just family member.
I move from a shared flat to another. They both use Spotify Family. I'd like to change from one to the other without loss of my playlists of course. How do I do that? I'm owner of none of the t...
PlanPremium FamilyCountry Czech RepublicMy Question or IssueDear
Spotify, I had Premium family for about a year and recently it dropped,
I renewed it but all my family member were dropped. When I tried to get
them back, it says that the premium code ...
Plan Premium Family Country Czech Republic My Question or Issue Dear Spotify, I had Premium family for about a year and recently it dropped, I renewed it but all my family member were d...
PlanPremium Family CountryUSA My Question or IssueI created a Premium
Family account and when asked for my home address I only had to put down
the country and zip code (only those two came up, no street name or
city)When my husband wants to join he h...
Plan Premium Family Country USA My Question or Issue I created a Premium Family account and when asked for my home address I only had to put down the country and zip code (only t...
Hello, I need help, I lost my family premium yesterday, today I can pay
it, but Spotify only gives me the option for getting the single premium
or a new family premium. How can I recover my last family premium? Where
all my family was
Hello, I need help, I lost my family premium yesterday, today I can pay it, but Spotify only gives me the option for getting the single premium or a new family premium. How can I recover my last family...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryHungaryDeviceLaptopOperating Systemwindows 10 My
Question or Issue I recieved an email saying ive been downgraded to free
because i was in a family plan with my family but didnt check and missed
the confirmation email.In the em...
Plan Free/Premium Country Hungary Device Laptop Operating System windows 10 My Question or Issue I recieved an email saying ive been downgraded to free because i was in a family...
Hello, My husband and I started a Spotify Family Plan last month, and
everything turned out alright. After the second billing, my account got
kicked out of the plan and reverted to Spotify Free. My husband tried to
send me an invitation, and evertyti...
Hello, My husband and I started a Spotify Family Plan last month, and everything turned out alright. After the second billing, my account got kicked out of the plan and reverted to S...
For some reason when I invite someone to my family plan, it lists a
different name other than mine as the owner. It's listing my
ex-girlfriend -- the first person I ever invited to MY family plan. Now
I have a different girlfriend, who got an invite ...
For some reason when I invite someone to my family plan, it lists a different name other than mine as the owner. It's listing my ex-girlfriend -- the first person I ever invited to MY family p...
PlanPremiumI get the message "Spotify has been paused because your
account is being used somewhere else" when my wife and I try to listen
to different music. We subscribe to Premium for Family and she is signed
on to this My Question or Issue We have...
Plan Premium I get the message "Spotify has been paused because your account is being used somewhere else" when my wife and I try to listen to different music. We subscribe to Premium for Family a...
En mi familia estamos considerando cambiarnos a Premium Familiar, pero
tenemos la duda de si es posible usarlo en nuestros dispositivos móviles
fuera del domicilio y cómo influiría el que los tres hagamos uso de
nuestras aplicaciones al mismo tiempo.
En mi familia estamos considerando cambiarnos a Premium Familiar, pero tenemos la duda de si es posible usarlo en nuestros dispositivos móviles fuera del domicilio y cómo influiría el que los...
Hello how are you? I wanted to subscribe to the family plan, but it is
very weird that all members of the family have to live in the same
direction. Why is this? Do you plan to improve it at some point?
Hello how are you? I wanted to subscribe to the family plan, but it is very weird that all members of the family have to live in the same direction. Why is this? Do you plan to improve it at some point?
Having signed up for a family plan yesterday I hoped to receive an email
with a link to order a google home mini, but am still yet to receive it.
I tried visiting https://www.spotify.com/us/googlehome/redeem/ but get
the message: "It looks like you'v...
Having signed up for a family plan yesterday I hoped to receive an email with a link to order a google home mini, but am still yet to receive it. I tried visiting https://w...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry UK/Czech Republic My Question or Issue If I
work in the Czech Republic during the week and the rest of my family
live at my main address in the UK, can they use the premium family?
Plan Family Premium Country UK/Czech Republic My Question or Issue If I work in the Czech Republic during the week and the rest of my family live at my main address i...
Hi i would like to have the familly plan and i live in canada but i
drive commercial vehicle from canada to united state and i would like to
know if family plan us still a good option from me knowing that my
familly will be in canada while i would tr...
Hi i would like to have the familly plan and i live in canada but i drive commercial vehicle from canada to united state and i would like to know if family plan us still a good option from me k...
Plan: Premium (Family)Country: USADevice: Laptop, iPhone, Galaxy
S8Operating System: iOS, Android, Windows 7 My Question or IssueI have a
Family Premium account. My family members all have their own accounts
and log into them, but if I'm listening an...
Plan: Premium (Family) Country: USA Device: Laptop, iPhone, Galaxy S8 Operating System: iOS, Android, Windows 7 My Question or Issue I have a Family Premium account. My family m...
I had a premium Spotify account, however recently I joined a family
Spotify account. But my bank had been charged the full 10$ for the
Spotify premium since I joined the family plan.
I had a premium Spotify account, however recently I joined a family Spotify account. But my bank had been charged the full 10$ for the Spotify premium since I joined the family plan.
Hi - I have a premium account with 12 months prepaid - my account next
renews in November 2019. But I'd like to join a family account with my
partner; is that possible? How will that work with the months I've
already paid?
Hi - I have a premium account with 12 months prepaid - my account next renews in November 2019. But I'd like to join a family account with my partner; is that possible? How will that w...