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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Öğrenci premiumu alırken hesap bilgilerimi girdim ve ücreti sanal olaraj
6.99tl olarak ödedim. Sonrasında öğrenci olduğuma dair belge eklememi
istiyordu uygulama ancak belgeleri sisteme yüklemeden çıkış yaptim.
Işlemleri tamamlamamama rağmen hesabımd...
Öğrenci premiumu alırken hesap bilgilerimi girdim ve ücreti sanal olaraj 6.99tl olarak ödedim. Sonrasında öğrenci olduğuma dair belge eklememi istiyordu uygulama ancak belgeleri sisteme yüklemeden çı...
My Question or Issue Hi - I have the Premium family plan and logging
into my account to include a new family member, and under subscriptions
tab, I'm getting this message. "Your account is part of a family plan,
please refer to the Premium for Family...
My Question or Issue Hi - I have the Premium family plan and logging into my account to include a new family member, and under subscriptions tab, I'm getting t...
As it appears, Spotify is going to remove my kids from my Premium Family
account, possibly because they don’t spend the whole time living with me
(father)? That seems pretty unfair to me.
As it appears, Spotify is going to remove my kids from my Premium Family account, possibly because they don’t spend the whole time living with me (father)? That seems pretty unfair to me.
PlanFree/PremiumCountry ChileDeviceSony Xperia L1Operating SystemAndroid
7.0 My Question or Issue Hola buenos dias Tengo problemas al activar la
cuenta premium, hace unos días compre la oferta **bleep** que ustedes
ofrecen, con tarjeta de crédito, a ...
Plan Free/Premium Country Chile Device Sony Xperia L1 Operating System Android 7.0 My Question or Issue Hola buenos dias Tengo problemas al activar la cu...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryAustralia My Question or Issue My Mum just joined
me to spotify family, but i can't download any songs for offline
listening. Just wondering if touching the 'like' button automatically
Plan Free/Premium Country Australia My Question or Issue My Mum just joined me to spotify family, but i can't download any songs for offline listening. Just wondering if touching t...
Hi - I live in the US, and used to manage a Family Account that I shared
with my (now) ex. I am now on a Family Account managed by my current
boyfriend, but when he's on desktop (Mac or PC) looks at members of his
Family Plan, my ex's name is showing...
Hi - I live in the US, and used to manage a Family Account that I shared with my (now) ex. I am now on a Family Account managed by my current boyfriend, but when he's on desktop (Mac or PC) looks a...
PlanFamily Premium (and one more ? )Country DeviceAll (iPhone,
Blackberry, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo,
Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I've subscription running yearly
which I've upgraded to family premium. I've...
Plan Family Premium (and one more ? ) Country Device All (iPhone, Blackberry, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question o...
Hello~I'm Ivy from Indonesia.I own a Premium for Family Account with my
5 family members.There is no problem on the beginning few
months.However, on the past 2 months, 1 of my family member can't join
this package.I've tried to re-invite many times, ...
Hello~ I'm Ivy from Indonesia. I own a Premium for Family Account with my 5 family members. There is no problem on the beginning few months. However, on the past 2 months, 1 of my family m...
My Question or Issue Trying to add my son to my family plan, he gets the
invite, clicks it, gets sent to page where it says he's about to join
the plan, aksed to fill out info, name, address etc, then the submit
button won't highlight and can't be cl...
My Question or Issue Trying to add my son to my family plan, he gets the invite, clicks it, gets sent to page where it says he's about to join the plan, aksed to fill out i...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry USADevice(iPhone 7 plus) My Question or Issue
Hey so I’m going into my second year of college and been trying to get
this college discount, and for some reason it will not recognize me as a
student, I then noticed that it had ...
Plan Free/Premium Country USA Device (iPhone 7 plus) My Question or Issue Hey so I’m going into my second year of college and been trying to get this college discou...
PlanPremiumCountryBrazil DeviceiPhone 7 My Question or IssueI have a
Family Premium account, with my mother, father and 2 brothers in it, but
suddenly Spotify just removed ALL of them from my premium account with
no reason, since all my family member...
Plan Premium Country Brazil Device iPhone 7 My Question or Issue I have a Family Premium account, with my mother, father and 2 brothers in it, but suddenly Spotify just removed A...
My Question or Issue Hi I was wondering if we can add my sister to our
family plan who is in Europe for her PHD. She is there over the course
of her education, but her official home is same with us she will come
and go frequently. She is recorded in ...
My Question or Issue Hi I was wondering if we can add my sister to our family plan who is in Europe for her PHD. She is there over the course of her education, but her official home is s...
PlanPremiumCountry SwedenDeviceSamsung Note8, iPad Mini, iPhone,
Windows, SonosOperating SystemSee above My Question or Issue We have a
Family Premium plan with multiple users. My credit card expired and I
got an email saying to update billing detail...
Plan Premium Country Sweden Device Samsung Note8, iPad Mini, iPhone, Windows, Sonos Operating System See above My Question or Issue We have a Family Premium p...
Problemas con el lugar de residencia PlanPremiumCountry
ColombiaDevice(LG k8)Operating System( Android Oreo.) My Question or
Issue Hola, me gustaría tener soporte para mi cuenta de Spotify ya que
adquirí un plan Premium familiar y resulta que no me p...
Problemas con el lugar de residencia Plan Premium Country Colombia Device (LG k8) Operating System ( Android Oreo.) My Question or Issue Hola, me gustaría ten...
PlanPremium familiar.Country España My Question or Issue Creamos un plan
familiar en casa, mi hermano y yo introducimos el numero del código
postal diferente debido que el que pertenece a nuestro pueblo a veces no
se acepta y se pone el del pueblo de...
Plan Premium familiar. Country España My Question or Issue Creamos un plan familiar en casa, mi hermano y yo introducimos el numero del código postal diferente debi...
PlanPremium FamiliarCountry Uruguay Device(Redmi 4X)Operating
System(Andoid 7) My Question or IssueCompre un plan familiar, agregue a
mi esposa al plan, ella acepto la invitacion e inicio sesion pero le
sigue saliendo el boton de obtener premium y cu...
Plan Premium Familiar Country Uruguay Device (Redmi 4X) Operating System (Andoid 7) My Question or Issue Compre un plan familiar, agregue a mi esposa al plan, ella acepto...
I was part of spotify family order but a week ago i got an email from
spotify that i should confirm my account details and click a link to
maintain my family premium account. I hadn't read the email on time and
now my account has changed to free so h...
I was part of spotify family order but a week ago i got an email from spotify that i should confirm my account details and click a link to maintain my family premium account. I hadn't read t...
PlanoFamilia PremiumPaís BrasilCelularMoto G3 O problema é o seguinte:
Pessoas que moram na minha casa foram removidas da minha conta família
premium e não consigo adiciona-las de novo. Exijo uma solução!!! Desde
já, grato.
Plano Familia Premium País Brasil Celular Moto G3 O problema é o seguinte: Pessoas que moram na minha casa foram removidas da minha conta família premium e não consigo adiciona-la...