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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Estoy dentro de un Plan Familiar Premium pero al renovarla en mi cuenta
me equivoque de dirección y se invalidó, el problema es que ahora si me
mandan solicitud y escribo los datos correctos ya no me deja unirme al
Plan Familliar
Estoy dentro de un Plan Familiar Premium pero al renovarla en mi cuenta me equivoque de dirección y se invalidó, el problema es que ahora si me mandan solicitud y escribo los datos correctos ya no me...
Boa tarde caros colegas! Após adquirir a assinatura do Spotify Premium e
baixar o aplicativo, me deparo com a seguinte mensagem quando clico para
verificar as informações da minha conta: "Não é possível adquirir o
Spotify Premium neste aplicativo". U...
Boa tarde caros colegas! Após adquirir a assinatura do Spotify Premium e baixar o aplicativo, me deparo com a seguinte mensagem quando clico para verificar as informações da minha conta: &n...
Merhaba! Bugün(02.04.2018)Öğrenci Üyeliğinize kayıt oldum, hesabımdan
-6.99 tl çekildi. Buna rağmen hâlâ üyelik olarak Spotify Free gözüküyor.
Üyelik kabul edilmedi mi? Edilmediyse hesabımdan neden para çekildi?
Umarım geri dönüt alabilirim! Bu maili...
Merhaba! Bugün(02.04.2018)Öğrenci Üyeliğinize kayıt oldum, hesabımdan -6.99 tl çekildi. Buna rağmen hâlâ üyelik olarak Spotify Free gözüküyor. Üyelik kabul edilmedi mi? Edilmediyse hesabımdan neden p...
Hello - I've looked at my Premium/Family settings twice now in the past
few months and have noticed there are names I don't recognize that are
apparently using my membership. I changed my password then and have done
it again today (after removing the...
Hello - I've looked at my Premium/Family settings twice now in the past few months and have noticed there are names I don't recognize that are apparently using my membership. I changed my password t...
Pessoal, mesmo minha esposa morando junto comigo, o spotify cancelou seu
plano familia porque disse que não confirmou o endereço. Reenviei o
convite familia para ela e agora ela não consegue nem mais fazer
cadastro com o email dela. Por favor me ajud...
Pessoal, mesmo minha esposa morando junto comigo, o spotify cancelou seu plano familia porque disse que não confirmou o endereço. Reenviei o convite familia para ela e agora ela não co...
I would like to share my playlists with my daughter and invited her via
premium family subcription upgrade. Can she see my playlists or what are
options to enable her to see my playlists?
I would like to share my playlists with my daughter and invited her via premium family subcription upgrade. Can she see my playlists or what are options to enable her to see my playlists?
Hello, My family is thinking about purchasing family plan but have a
question. I am essentially forced to live on campus for a portion of the
year. Other times i am not home for lengths of time not of my choosing
because of an internship through scho...
Hello, My family is thinking about purchasing family plan but have a question. I am essentially forced to live on campus for a portion of the year. Other times i am not home for lengths of t...
Meu irmão fez assinatura do family premium, porém ninguém da família pra
quem ele mandou o convite está conseguindo entrar e ativar o Premium,
não abre a página para confirmar o código e nem o endereço só fica
carregando, a conta dele já está funcion...
Meu irmão fez assinatura do family premium, porém ninguém da família pra quem ele mandou o convite está conseguindo entrar e ativar o Premium, não abre a página para confirmar o código e nem o e...
La intentar unirme a un plan familiar me sale error, de que estuve en
otros dos planes en los últimos 12 meses. En uno dure solo 2 meses y en
el otro solo 15 días. Por que expiraron. Cuanto tiempo debe pasar para
unirme a otro plan familiar?
La intentar unirme a un plan familiar me sale error, de que estuve en otros dos planes en los últimos 12 meses. En uno dure solo 2 meses y en el otro solo 15 días. Por que expiraron. Cu...
I am not able to include my brother on my family account. I send him the
invitation, he gets it, but when completing, it says it cannot be
done.How to proceed?thanks in advance
I am not able to include my brother on my family account. I send him the invitation, he gets it, but when completing, it says it cannot be done. How to proceed? thanks in advance
We are trying to add our kids to our family plan account. They are
receiving the invitiation email, and when we follow the link for "accept
invitation" it takes us to the login page. However, we are not seeing
any place to create a password and can't...
We are trying to add our kids to our family plan account. They are receiving the invitiation email, and when we follow the link for "accept invitation" it takes us to the login page. H...
Hi, Ive accepted the email invite sent to me, and my daughter says that
I'm showing as accepted & part of the family subscription, but my
account still shows me as on the free trial, with adds etc. Any ideas
what to do? I have reinstalled the app, lo...
Hi, Ive accepted the email invite sent to me, and my daughter says that I'm showing as accepted & part of the family subscription, but my account still shows me as on the free trial, with adds e...
2 gün önce spotify öğrenci indiriminden yararlanmak ders programımı
gönderdim.Kart bilgilerimi girdiğim için de ödeme alındı. Bugün öğrenci
olduğum doğrulandı fakat hala premium üyesi değilim ve ödeme sorunu
gösteriyor. Lütfen ya para iadesi ya da pr...
2 gün önce spotify öğrenci indiriminden yararlanmak ders programımı gönderdim.Kart bilgilerimi girdiğim için de ödeme alındı. Bugün öğrenci olduğum doğrulandı fakat hala premium üyesi değilim ve ödem...
Ola, fui cliente Spotify por anos e nunca tive nenhuma promoção.
Gostaria de pedir a vocês liberação por 3 meses de cortesia da minha
conta familiar, como me foi prometido anteriormente.
Ola, fui cliente Spotify por anos e nunca tive nenhuma promoção. Gostaria de pedir a vocês liberação por 3 meses de cortesia da minha conta familiar, como me foi prometido anteriormente.
Hello, I'm in premium family but it has stopped working. Manager sent me
a new invitation and there is a mistake. "You are unable to join this
family plan". Please help me.
Hello, I'm in premium family but it has stopped working. Manager sent me a new invitation and there is a mistake. "You are unable to join this family plan". Please help me.
I have just upgraded our premium account to Premium family, so both my
Husbnd and I can listen to music at the same time. We both have the app
on our iPhone and nothing has changed? We just tested simultaneously
playing music and it switched the othe...
I have just upgraded our premium account to Premium family, so both my Husbnd and I can listen to music at the same time. We both have the app on our iPhone and nothing has changed? We just tested s...