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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Als ich versucht habe, das 5.Familienmitglied einzuladen, kam diese
Meldung:332 oops something went wrong, please try again. Auch
wiederholte Versuche haben nichts genuetzt.
Als ich versucht habe, das 5.Familienmitglied einzuladen, kam diese Meldung: 332 oops something went wrong, please try again. Auch wiederholte Versuche haben nichts genuetzt.
Possuo um plano familiar, onde a conta do meu esposo e filho estavam
incluidas, hoje eles nao conseguem mais acessar pois foram excluidos do
plano mesmo com o CEP correto, Cadastrei novamente e enviei convite mas
parece que nao esta sendo enviado mes...
Possuo um plano familiar, onde a conta do meu esposo e filho estavam incluidas, hoje eles nao conseguem mais acessar pois foram excluidos do plano mesmo com o CEP correto, Cadastrei novamente e envie...
First, I have to start by saying that the Help options for spotify are
really frustrating - I would like to talk to a real person as I haven't
found any solutions in the community or on any of the FAQs or other help
platform for spotify.I have just s...
...AQs or other help platform for spotify. I have just subscribed for Premium for Family - I invited my 3 children and my husband to the account. All of us live at the same address. My d...
I used to have a family plan that I was sharing with my brother and
sister, all living at the same adress, but the plan wasnt renewed this
month and now I can only upgrade to a premium single account plan. Why?
I used to have a family plan that I was sharing with my brother and sister, all living at the same adress, but the plan wasnt renewed this month and now I can only upgrade to a premium single a...
I have a premium family account that still pauses when another member plays music and vice versa? any help I'm wondering if it's a glitch with Spotify?
Ich habe vo kurzem ein Spotify Family Abo abgeschlossen, doch kann keine
Mitglieder einladen. Immer wenn ich diese Option aufrufe, erscheint
nichts. ich finde es nicht gut, dass ich dafür 15 Euro zahle und es
bisher nicht mal mit meiner Familie nutze...
Ich habe vo kurzem ein Spotify Family Abo abgeschlossen, doch kann keine Mitglieder einladen. Immer wenn ich diese Option aufrufe, erscheint nichts. ich finde es nicht gut, dass ich dafür 15 Euro z...
Hello, I cannot add two people on my account. My sister and aunt have
received the invitation, confirmed the address and used it for like a
week. Now they don't have access anymore. They just became regular users
again. What's going on?
Hello, I cannot add two people on my account. My sister and aunt have received the invitation, confirmed the address and used it for like a week. Now they don't have access anymore. Th...
I invite my daughter to the prenium familly plan she recieve the invite,
she is connected to his own account with the same email address and when
she clicks accept the invite we are redirected to a page where we cannot
find the next move to get the i...
I invite my daughter to the prenium familly plan she recieve the invite, she is connected to his own account with the same email address and when she clicks accept the invite we are redirected to a p...
This is probably the last time I'm using Spotify and their **bleep**
Premium Service. Me , my wife! and my mom are living in the same house.
I've invited them to familiy membership, and they were active for about
a week, then Spotify sent me a mail i...
This is probably the last time I'm using Spotify and their **bleep** Premium Service. Me , my wife! and my mom are living in the same house. I've invited them to familiy membership, and they...
I'd like to convert my premium account to a family account, but I've
already paid for a year of premium. Is it possible for me to convert the
account to a family account, and then pay the difference between the
two? Or do I have to wait for a year un...
I'd like to convert my premium account to a family account, but I've already paid for a year of premium. Is it possible for me to convert the account to a family account, and then pay the d...
Hi, recently all the members under my Premium Family account gone
because address not correct. I tried to check the address I registered
with but I couldn't find it anywhere. I know for Premium Family we can't
change address, but I just been charged ...
Hi, recently all the members under my Premium Family account gone because address not correct. I tried to check the address I registered with but I couldn't find it anywhere. I know for Premium Family...
Si è rinnovato un paio di giorni fa in automatico l'abbonamento di 15
euro per il Premium Family. Il problema è che ha cacciato tutti i miei
famigliari e non riesco più a rinvitarli, sapete come posso sistemare?
Si è rinnovato un paio di giorni fa in automatico l'abbonamento di 15 euro per il Premium Family. Il problema è che ha cacciato tutti i miei famigliari e non riesco più a rinvitarli, sapete come p...
Hello - My wife invited me to our family plan this morning (3 hours
ago), and tried to re-send the e-mail about an hour ago but I haven't
received the invitation e-mail. She sent me a screenshot showing that
she didn't typo my e-mail address. I verif...
Hello - My wife invited me to our family plan this morning (3 hours ago), and tried to re-send the e-mail about an hour ago but I haven't received the invitation e-mail. She sent m...
Hi, my dad just added me to his premium family plan along with my other
family members. Previously, I was already a premium member and paid the
monthly fee for December. I just want to make sure I won't get charged
an individual premium fee in Januar...
Hi, my dad just added me to his premium family plan along with my other family members. Previously, I was already a premium member and paid the monthly fee for December. I just want to make sure I w...
Hallo, ich hatte am 24.12.2016 das 0,99 € Premium-Angebot abgeschlossen,
welches sich nun seit 24.03.17 für 9,99 € um einen Monat verlängert hat.
Geld wurde auch schon abgebucht. Ich möchte nun gerne heute (27.03.17)
auf Family wechseln. Bekommt man ...
...erne heute (27.03.17) auf Family wechseln. Bekommt man den bereits abgebuchten Betrag bei dem Wechsel auf Familiy angerechnet oder verfällt der? Wenn er verfällt wäre es sinnvoller bis zum 23. oder 24.04...
Hola!Recientemente cambiamos de titular en nuestro plan familiar.
Volvimos a enviar las invitaciones pero uno de mis invitados me dice que
no puede entrar (ella no era la titular anterior). Pero la invitacion le
sale con error. Que podemos hacer? Som...
Hola! Recientemente cambiamos de titular en nuestro plan familiar. Volvimos a enviar las invitaciones pero uno de mis invitados me dice que no puede entrar (ella no era la titular anterior). Pero la...
Hola me acabo de suscribir al plan familiar premiaum, desde el navegador
aparezco ya registrada. Pero al momento de introducir mi correo y
contrasena en la aplicacion me aparece correo y contrasena invalida. Ya
cambie la contrasena y no puedo!!
Hola me acabo de suscribir al plan familiar premiaum, desde el navegador aparezco ya registrada. Pero al momento de introducir mi correo y contrasena en la aplicacion me aparece correo y contrasena i...
Tengo el plan familiar completo con mi familia y la mas chica ahora
necesita su cuenta de spotify, como hago para sumarla? Debo contratar un
usuario nuevo?Gracias por la respuesta.
Tengo el plan familiar completo con mi familia y la mas chica ahora necesita su cuenta de spotify, como hago para sumarla? Debo contratar un usuario nuevo? Gracias por la respuesta.
Bonjour, je suis etudiant a l'etranger : Roumanie, et j'aimerais savoir
si je peux beneficier du tarif etudiant. Sachant que la Roumanie n'est
pas dans la liste des pays. Merci
Bonjour, je suis etudiant a l'etranger : Roumanie, et j'aimerais savoir si je peux beneficier du tarif etudiant. Sachant que la Roumanie n'est pas dans la liste des pays. Merci