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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Ik weet niet wat het is volgens mij had ik gewoon 0,99 cent betaalt voor
het proefpakket die heb ik dan nu afgezegd maar nu stort spotify mij
opeens 9,99 moet ik dit terugstorten? Ik ben bang dat ik dan problemen
krijg ofzo !? Wat moet ik doen?
Ik weet niet wat het is volgens mij had ik gewoon 0,99 cent betaalt voor het proefpakket die heb ik dan nu afgezegd maar nu stort spotify mij opeens 9,99 moet ik dit terugstorten? Ik ben bang dat ik ...
Hi,I'm getting problems because I am paying the total fee for Spotify
premium and also the fee for Spotify family. There must be an error: the
9.90€ fee for Spotify premium I have not to pay because I have a family
account now. Please tell me how to ...
Hi, I'm getting problems because I am paying the total fee for Spotify premium and also the fee for Spotify family. There must be an error: the 9.90€ fee for Spotify premium I have not to pay b...
I've sent the invites to my family members for Family Premium, and they
have accepted it. However, one of them is still getting ads on their
account. When she logs in online, it shows she has the Famly Premium
subscription, but when she logs into her...
I've sent the invites to my family members for Family Premium, and they have accepted it. However, one of them is still getting ads on their account. When she logs in online, it shows she has the F...
My wife, son and I were all Premium members when I thought it would be a
good idea for a family membership. Changed my account to Premium for
Family and included my other sons. But how do I include the two
subscriptions that are already registered?
My wife, son and I were all Premium members when I thought it would be a good idea for a family membership. Changed my account to Premium for Family and included my other sons. But how do I...
I can't join my mother's spotify family because the website tells me
that mine address isn't the same as my mother's, but live with her. How
can I join?
I can't join my mother's spotify family because the website tells me that mine address isn't the same as my mother's, but live with her. How can I join?
Tengo una cuenta familiar con mi mujer, vivimos en el mismo domicilio,
pero hoy le habeis cancelado la cuenta porque según decis no habeis
podido comprobar que vivamos juntos. ¿Como puedo solucionarlo? Gracias
Tengo una cuenta familiar con mi mujer, vivimos en el mismo domicilio, pero hoy le habeis cancelado la cuenta porque según decis no habeis podido comprobar que vivamos juntos. ¿Como puedo solucionarl...
Why I cant use spotify for family?For the first month it went well, but
after that I got an email from spotify that they can't verify my
address.I lived with the same address, whats wrong with that?!!Can
somebody explain this to me?I feel disadvantag...
Why I cant use spotify for family? For the first month it went well, but after that I got an email from spotify that they can't verify my address. I lived with the same address, whats wrong with t...
Hi guys,yesterday my brother was kicked out from the premium plan,
without any advice.Today I tried to put him back, but I can't confirm
the same address, even if I try several times.I'm pretty sure that my
address is the same of my brother.. What co...
Hi guys, yesterday my brother was kicked out from the premium plan, without any advice. Today I tried to put him back, but I can't confirm the same address, even if I try several times. I'm pretty...
I just received a mail that saiys that my paypal granted access to
spotify, it says that i'm paying 14,99€ ! (i have a spotify premium
account, i pay 9,99€ per month) I didn't subsribe for a Family Premium
at all! Here is a screenshot that show email...
...Family Premium at all! Here is a screenshot that show emails addresses that have access to my spotify account by now, i know no one in this list !!! I am not cancelling t...
I have a family plan but was wondering can you play music at the same
time from different phones? Mu brother was playing music on his phone
and i was teying to play on mine and it kept switching between phones to
play from.
I have a family plan but was wondering can you play music at the same time from different phones? Mu brother was playing music on his phone and i was teying to play on mine and it kept switching b...
Tengo un problema , ya que compre una tarjeta de regalo pero esta aun no
le llega al destinatario, hay alguna manera de que le llegue el correo o
le pueda compartir el codigo?
Tengo un problema , ya que compre una tarjeta de regalo pero esta aun no le llega al destinatario, hay alguna manera de que le llegue el correo o le pueda compartir el codigo?
I sent my son an invite to join the family slot. Set him up an account
so he can use it. Selected country as US instead of U.K. By mistake.
Went into edit profile to change country and now it won't let me save as
it tells me the email address is alre...
I sent my son an invite to join the family slot. Set him up an account so he can use it. Selected country as US instead of U.K. By mistake. Went into edit profile to change country and now it won't l...
resulta que realize el tramite para premiun universitarios pero no
termine la verificasion pero se me realizo el cobro 2 veces y ya llevo
un mes esperando mi reembolso!
resulta que realize el tramite para premiun universitarios pero no termine la verificasion pero se me realizo el cobro 2 veces y ya llevo un mes esperando mi reembolso!
Ayer intente de tener una cuenta premium con descuento de universitario,
mi universidad si esta dentro de las que participan, de hecho realizaron
el cobro durante el proceso, pero después me dijeron que no se pudo
vereficar mi información de estudian...
Ayer intente de tener una cuenta premium con descuento de universitario, mi universidad si esta dentro de las que participan, de hecho realizaron el cobro durante el proceso, pero después me dijeron ...
HiI am wonder at the moment there is a promotional rate for premium for
£0.99 for three month. If I upgrade it and then will I be able to add to
family premium ??
Hi I am wonder at the moment there is a promotional rate for premium for £0.99 for three month. If I upgrade it and then will I be able to add to family premium ??
HelloAfter I moved to Tokyo from US, I cant use radio on my spotify
premium. (the radio button disappeared )And I realized Spotify free
allows users to use Radio..Does anyone know the solution?Radio is my
most favorite feature..Cheers,Joseph K
Hello After I moved to Tokyo from US, I cant use radio on my spotify premium. (the radio button disappeared ) And I realized Spotify free allows users to use Radio.. Does anyone know the solutio...
Trying to invite my mother to the family plan, says that spotify has not
been able to verify that she lives in the same house as me. I tried to
do it many times but always the same. What I can do? I even try to edit
my address but I can not find it a...
Trying to invite my mother to the family plan, says that spotify has not been able to verify that she lives in the same house as me. I tried to do it many times but always the same. What I can do? I...
Bu ay spotify parasını yatırmayı unuttuğum için aile premium hesabım
freeye geçti karta para attım ama premiuma nasıl geri geçerim bilmiyorum
yardım edebilecek var mı?
Bu ay spotify parasını yatırmayı unuttuğum için aile premium hesabım freeye geçti karta para attım ama premiuma nasıl geri geçerim bilmiyorum yardım edebilecek var mı?