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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADevicePlayStation 5Operating SystemPlayStation My
Question or IssueSome users are experiencing issues viewing video
streaming for podcasts
Plan Premium Country USA Device PlayStation 5 Operating System PlayStation My Question or Issue Some users are experiencing issues viewing video streaming for podcasts
Hello!Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears,
mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago,
while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the fact that the song
is added to your "liked songs" is...
Hello! Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears, mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago, while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryAustraliaDevice(PlayStation 3Operating
System(CellOS) My Question or IssueThe PlayStation 3 version of Spotify
has not been functional for nearly the last month. Attempting to open
the app results in an error message stating th...
...ith the latest version of the Spotify app, as well as the latest version of the PS3 system software. I hope this issue will be resolved, I understand the PS3 is an aging platform but it is s...
When I play a song in the songs section on the search results page I
expect the next listed song to be played when I click next. But in the
latest version of the beta web player (aka desktop app) it does nothing.
That's a nice feature for some users ...
When I play a song in the songs section on the search results page I expect the next listed song to be played when I click next. But in the latest version of the beta web player (aka desktop app) it ...
On the desktop app under settings-->social, What does 'share my
listening activity on Spotify' actually do?, i.e. if it is toggled off
does this mean none of my followers can see what I'm listening to in the
'Friends activity' right hand side bar. I ...
On the desktop app under settings-->social, What does 'share my listening activity on Spotify' actually do?, i.e. if it is toggled off does this mean none of my followers can see what I'm listenin...
when i listen to a playlist on spotify mobile it continues on to web
(this means I cannot continue where I left off from web) however when i
listen to one on web it is perfectly fine on mobile and I can continue
where I left off from mobile how do i ...
when i listen to a playlist on spotify mobile it continues on to web (this means I cannot continue where I left off from web) however when i listen to one on web it is perfectly fine on mobi...
PlanFreeCountryRomaniaDeviceiPhone 6S Plus, PS3Operating SystemiOS
14.4.1, PlayStation®3 System Software Update 4.87 This issue happens
when shuffling liked songs, an album or a playlist (although I haven't
tested it, I'm positive it happens on playl...
Plan Free Country Romania Device iPhone 6S Plus, PS3 Operating System iOS 14.4.1, PlayStation®3 System Software Update 4.87 This issue happens when shuffling liked songs, an album o...
Hello! My Spotify account is linked to a PS3 account which does not
belong to me. I no longer have contact with the person who owns the PS3.
Is there a way to unlink my Spotify account to the PS3? I want to link
it to my PS4 but I can't I already tri...
Hello! My Spotify account is linked to a PS3 account which does not belong to me. I no longer have contact with the person who owns the PS3. Is there a way to unlink my Spotify account to the PS3? I...
PremiumAustraliaPS3 How do I find podcasts?Can't find it in Browse?When
I use search the results are always songs, albums and playlists.I've
been listening to JRE since episode 1 and can't find it?thanks
Premium Australia PS3 How do I find podcasts? Can't find it in Browse? When I use search the results are always songs, albums and playlists. I've been listening to JRE since episode 1 a...
Currently on Premium in AustraliaSpotify working fine on my android
phone and PC My Issue is on the PS3 the 'Browse' button isn't
working.'Your music' and search works fine, the problem started last
week.Logged in and out, PS3 system is up to date, n...
Currently on Premium in Australia Spotify working fine on my android phone and PC My Issue is on the PS3 the 'Browse' button isn't working. 'Your music' and search works fine, the p...
So, i have this account in psn that i created in 2013, i created when
have buyed a new ps3, but since then i changed my password from the
e-mail that i created my PSN account and the password of my PSN, that
is, I don't have access to either account,...
So, i have this account in psn that i created in 2013, i created when have buyed a new ps3, but since then i changed my password from the e-mail that i created my PSN account and the password of my P...
CountryItalyDevicePlay Station 3My Question or Issue The application on
PS3 is trying to update to v.1.22,when trying to download it fails and
exits with error code 90810017I've already tried to remove and reinstall
the app, but no luck.What can I do...
Country Italy Device Play Station 3 My Question or Issue The application on PS3 is trying to update to v.1.22, when trying to download it fails and exits with error code 9...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI only saw one album throughout the whole Spotify that
uses Hemi-Sync music to align the sub-...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I only ...
PlanPremiumCountryArgentinaDevicePS3 My Question or IssueLa musica se
detiene después de unos minutos de reproducción en ps3, tengo que volver
a poner play para que continue, no puedo escuchar un album p playlist de
corrido.Por favor ayuda,Gracias
Plan Premium Country Argentina Device PS3 My Question or Issue La musica se detiene después de unos minutos de reproducción en ps3, tengo que volver a poner play para que continue, n...
Hey Everyone! I can see all my albums on the app but only a handfull of
artists appear on the library. A few on my Iphone (none on my desk top)
....these dont have the alphabetic slide on the side like it used to
meaning that you have to scroll throu...
Hey Everyone! I can see all my albums on the app but only a handfull of artists appear on the library. A few on my Iphone (none on my desk top) ....these dont have the alphabetic slide on th...
Recently I try to listen to my songs on spotify of PS3 and they play for
a second or less and they stop, I put play due and it stops again, do
you know how I can solve this problem? Thank you
Recently I try to listen to my songs on spotify of PS3 and they play for a second or less and they stop, I put play due and it stops again, do you know how I can solve this problem? Thank you
PlanPremiumCountry NorwayDevice Operating SystemWindows 10 My Question
or Issue First of all, sorry if I'm not posting this issue in the right
place. I wasn't quite sure where to put this. Guide me to a new
direction if needed! I've been trying to li...
Plan Premium Country Norway Device Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue First of all, sorry if I'm not posting this issue in the right place. I wasn't ...
Hi Everyone! I have been having this problem for quite some time now
with my main Spotify account. Whenever I log in to my Spotify account
and try opening the Web Player, it comes up with a window that says, "So
you've discovered the tab limit..." wh...
Hi Everyone! I have been having this problem for quite some time now with my main Spotify account. Whenever I log in to my Spotify account and try opening the Web Player, it comes up with a window th...
PlanPremiumCountryunited states DeviceiPhone 6 My Question or Issue My
artist name is “ Steve J “ there is another artist names “Steve J. “
(with a period) he or she has a song called love song for a b*** . This
song is showing on my artist profile a...
Plan Premium Country united states Device iPhone 6 My Question or Issue My artist name is “ Steve J “ there is another artist names “Steve J. “ (with a peri...