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Volume in IOS higher in spotify app than shown on headphone volume notification

Volume in IOS higher in spotify app than shown on headphone volume notification

the volume is not universal to the phone. It has one setting for spotify and another for the phone, even though it says headphone volume in the same looking box. It has caused the volume to come on very loud a couple times with my headphones in. It's a safety issue for mine and anybody elses ears. It happens in this order 1. I open spotify 2. I set volume using side phone button seeing the 'headphone volume' indicator 3. I press play and the volume is different, usually louder because I start volume low and move up, a setting which apparently cached or saved in the app. Got it? My work around is to take off my headphones, adjust the volume, then put them back on, a task that does not streamline my workflow. Fit it pretty please.

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