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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremiumCountryIndonesiaDevice(Samsung J7)Operating System(Android)
My Question or Issue I was a member on Premium for Family, but suddenly
when i was went to other city, suddenly my premium account was downgrade
to free account..and now, when i t...
Plan Premium Country Indonesia Device (Samsung J7) Operating System (Android) My Question or Issue I was a member on Premium for Family, but suddenly when i was went to other c...
Hi, I was removed from the family plan twice (using different accounts)
eventhough the second person in the plan was not removed at all. I don't
want to lose my account or use another fake-like account just to use a
family plan. Please help to resolv...
Hi, I was removed from the family plan twice (using different accounts) eventhough the second person in the plan was not removed at all. I don't want to lose my account or use a...
Há um tempo atrás sofri um transtorno no Spotify devido a exclusão da
conta dos meus irmãos do Plano Familiar. Após muito estresse, pra
solucionar tive que excluir a minha conta (perdi tudo) e criar uma
nova... Agora me encontro novamente na mesma si...
Há um tempo atrás sofri um transtorno no Spotify devido a exclusão da conta dos meus irmãos do Plano Familiar. Após muito estresse, pra solucionar tive que excluir a minha conta (perdi tudo) ...
Hi, Im the owner of the family plan, when ever I was sending an invite
to my family, at first they will able to accept and create their acount,
but after some time their will be an e-mail confirmation sent to them
that spotify can’t verify address, e...
Hi, Im the owner of the family plan, when ever I was sending an invite to my family, at first they will able to accept and create their acount, but after some time their will be an e-mail c...
My premium family account expired (I guess) so I signed up again, but
when I go to add family members, per the instructions, and I click on
"Premium for Family" on the left sidebar, I'm just taken back to the
Premium for Family offer page (i.e. it's ...
My premium family account expired (I guess) so I signed up again, but when I go to add family members, per the instructions, and I click on "Premium for Family" on the left sidebar, I'm just taken b...
Tengo un problema al unirme al plan familiar, ya estaba anterior mente y
me saco meses despues trate de ingresar pero dice que no es la misma
informacion, el usuario principal de la cuenta que es mi hermano ya puso
en mi cuenta los mismos datos y no ...
Tengo un problema al unirme al plan familiar, ya estaba anterior mente y me saco meses despues trate de ingresar pero dice que no es la misma informacion, el usuario principal de la cuenta que es mi ...
NetherlandsPremium for FamilyIphone 5C After receiving invitation email
on gmail for Premium for Family and subscribing username en password,
the button 'aanmelden' (join) doesn't link. There is also no
confirmation 'i'm not a robot' asked. Please se...
Netherlands Premium for Family Iphone 5C After receiving invitation email on gmail for Premium for Family and subscribing username en password, the button 'aanmelden' (join) d...
No puedo dar de alta o registrar a mis familiares en PremiumParece que
el domicilio que ingresan no corresponde al de mi perfil pero tampoco
puedo editar en mi perfil
No puedo dar de alta o registrar a mis familiares en Premium Parece que el domicilio que ingresan no corresponde al de mi perfil pero tampoco puedo editar en mi perfil
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 7 and Samsung S6)Operating System
My Question or IssueWe have a premium account. I invited my wife and she
accepted the invite. However - we are unable to listen to different
music at the same time. We are forced...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 7 and Samsung S6) Operating System My Question or Issue We have a premium account. I invited my wife and she acce...
I have been trying to subscribe for Family account with my master card.
It says there might be a problem and I should try it later. But I have
tried it different times since a week and no change. I have already been
using the card online and sure abo...
I have been trying to subscribe for Family account with my master card. It says there might be a problem and I should try it later. But I have tried it different times since a week and no change. I h...
My Question or Issueeverytime I invite my wife she signs on and gets “to
many redirects” and locks uptried all the optionsclean cachecancel and
reinvitenothing works extremely frustrating!!
My Question or Issue everytime I invite my wife she signs on and gets “to many redirects” and locks up tried all the options clean cache cancel and reinvite nothing works extreme...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry My Question or Issuethis is the worst site to
try and get help!!! My family sharing account hasnt worked since Spotify
took my money! Taking money worked but not my family sharing! keep
getting “to many redirects” no matter wh...
Plan Free/Premium Country My Question or Issue this is the worst site to try and get help!!! My family sharing account hasnt worked since Spotify took my money! Taking m...
PlanPremiumCountry Turkey Device(iPhone SE)Operating System(iOS 10) We
changed our family owner almost 9 months ago. But now our new owner has
to go abroad and due to this situation, we have to change the owner
again. Because of the rules, spotify do...
Plan Premium Country Turkey Device (iPhone SE) Operating System (iOS 10) We changed our family owner almost 9 months ago. But now our new owner has to go abroad a...
I have a Spotify family account that both my GF and me are using.Last
night, I wanted to give my phone to my Son so he can listen to
"Traumzauberbaum" to fall asleep. We are Germans living in Sweden and
Traumzauberbaum is German Kids music.I could on...
I have a Spotify family account that both my GF and me are using. Last night, I wanted to give my phone to my Son so he can listen to "Traumzauberbaum" to fall asleep. We are Germans l...
Hello,we are using a family account with my wife and my son. However,
the email registered for my son is not matching his facebook account. In
this case, I cannot see in realtime what he's currently listening (and
vice versa) using the sidebar on the...
Hello, we are using a family account with my wife and my son. However, the email registered for my son is not matching his facebook account. In this case, I cannot see in realtime what he's c...
Hello, I have a Premium for Family account that ends next January, 22nd
. I had to cancel my subscription a couple a days ago, but I changed my
mind and I want to stay with Family. Is there any way to renew my
subscription without losing Family membe...
Hello, I have a Premium for Family account that ends next January, 22nd . I had to cancel my subscription a couple a days ago, but I changed my mind and I want to stay w...