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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
PlanFreeCountryChile(im sorry if a write something wrong, my english is
awfull) My Question or IssueIn my playlist, when i go dooown to the last
song, i can't click it, becuse the options of the song that i am
listening to It's above the playlist, so...
Plan Free Country Chile (im sorry if a write something wrong, my english is awfull) My Question or Issue In my playlist, when i go dooown to the last song, i can't click it, becuse the op...
Hello!Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears,
mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago,
while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the fact that the song
is added to your "liked songs" is...
Hello! Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears, mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago, while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the...
Plan: PremiumCountry: SpainDevice: (any)Operating System: Android 13&14
Whenever I connect music to my Heos streaming system (a Denon Home 250)
from the Spotify app, the music starts playing fine until, randomly,
after minutes (sometimes minutes, som...
...o Heos immediately afterwards. And so, we begin again. I've checked through forums on the internet and it seems to be a common problem with all Heos devices (Denon, Marantz...). Can anyone tell me w...
Plan: PremiumCountry: USADevice: Marantz AV7704, Denon HEOS1Operating
System: Embedded in speaker/processor; Any computer/device running
Spotify app My Question or Issue:I HOPE I AM WRONG, BUT THIS IS BAD. ANY
Plan: Premium Country: USA Device: Marantz AV7704, Denon HEOS1 Operating System: Embedded in speaker/processor; Any computer/device running Spotify app My Question or Issue: I HOPE I A...
It doesn't happen on every song and it's seemingly random. It happens on
my Android mobile app. I happens on my laptop desktop app. My playback
settings on the mobile app are greyed out and I can't change them but
gapless playback, crossfade and auto...
It doesn't happen on every song and it's seemingly random. It happens on my Android mobile app. I happens on my laptop desktop app. My playback settings on the mobile app are greyed out and I can't c...
PlanPremiumCountryPolandDeviceMotorola e20Operating SystemAndroid My
Question or IssueSome podcast episodes don't show up in New tab once
they are released. I checked and I have the podcast in followed, it
shows up in my library but new episode was r...
Plan Premium Country Poland Device Motorola e20 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Some podcast episodes don't show up in New tab once they are released. I checked and I h...
Spotify have punished early adopters, many of who have invested hunders
of euros in compatible hardware, and have spent good money on a premium
subscription. They have taken their money, taken manufacturers license
money, and now destroy that valuabl...
Spotify have punished early adopters, many of who have invested hunders of euros in compatible hardware, and have spent good money on a premium subscription. They have taken their money, tak...
Hi,Since 2 weeks now i can' t airplay spotify on my marantz receiver. It
worked fine but now its not showing on the available player list on my
phone (Samsung s6). I tried to update my marantz but the latest update
was already installed. Yesterday my...
Hi, Since 2 weeks now i can' t airplay spotify on my marantz receiver. It worked fine but now its not showing on the available player list on my phone (Samsung s6). I tried to update my marantz b...
Plan: PremiumCountry: France DeviceiPhone 8 or MacOS DesktopMarantz
ND8006Operating SystemiOS 15, MacOS 12 Using app on iPhone 8 or desktop
app on a MacBook I can play all songs and podcast perfectly "locally".
But I'm also using a network hifi Maran...
Plan: Premium Country: France Device iPhone 8 or MacOS Desktop Marantz ND8006 Operating System iOS 15, MacOS 12 Using app on iPhone 8 or desktop app on a MacBook I can p...
Hi,I'm using Spotify Connect with Marantz Receiver (NR1609). I use my
mobile phone to manage Spotify devices. Currently there are 3 connected
devices: Phone, PC, Receiver. When I play music on my Mobile phone, it
sometimes play it on the receiver (th...
Hi, I'm using Spotify Connect with Marantz Receiver (NR1609). I use my mobile phone to manage Spotify devices. Currently there are 3 connected devices: Phone, PC, Receiver. When I play m...
Plan: PremiumCountry: PortugalDevice: Marantz M-CR610 Since last Tuesday
the spotify connect doesn't work on the Marantz M-CR610 ... Can you help
me, please?Thank you
Plan: Premium Country: Portugal Device: Marantz M-CR610 Since last Tuesday the spotify connect doesn't work on the Marantz M-CR610 ... Can you help me, please? Thank you &n...
when i listen to a playlist on spotify mobile it continues on to web
(this means I cannot continue where I left off from web) however when i
listen to one on web it is perfectly fine on mobile and I can continue
where I left off from mobile how do i ...
when i listen to a playlist on spotify mobile it continues on to web (this means I cannot continue where I left off from web) however when i listen to one on web it is perfectly fine on mobi...
PlanPremiumCountryNorwayDeviceSamsung Galaxy S10+) My Question or IssueI
got my Marantz M-CR611 yesterday and when I first set it up I got it as
a device in Spotify and where able to use "Spotify Connect" as stated in
the documentation. After some li...
Plan Premium Country Norway Device Samsung Galaxy S10+) My Question or Issue I got my Marantz M-CR611 yesterday and when I first set it up I got it as a device in Spotify and where a...
Nowadays much receivers which have spotify have zones. Using zones you
can play different sources of music like spotify on a selected set of
speakers.When you connect to the receiver to play spotify, spotify
always plays this on the main zone. On the...
Nowadays much receivers which have spotify have zones. Using zones you can play different sources of music like spotify on a selected set of speakers. When you connect to the receiver to play ...
I have not seen a less friendly interface before.the text of the errors
is absolutely not informative.guess what is wrong - impossible!choosing
traffic lights from google capcha for every move is disgusting I also
had to guess to fill the field music...
I have not seen a less friendly interface before. the text of the errors is absolutely not informative. guess what is wrong - impossible! choosing traffic lights from google capcha for every move ...
PlanPremiumCountryUkDeviceHuawei P20 proOperating SystemAndroid
v9Spotify version8.5. 43. 724 My Question or Issue BMW connected
drive/Connected apps, 99% of the time, spotify fails to pull through
onto the screen as shown in photo. BMW are claiming ...
Plan Premium Country Uk Device Huawei P20 pro Operating System Android v9 Spotify version 8.5. 43. 724 My Question or Issue BMW connected drive/Connected apps, 99%...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI only saw one album throughout the whole Spotify that
uses Hemi-Sync music to align the sub-...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I only ...
normally when a playlist, album, song, etc. finishes spotify will begin
to play music based on whatever was playing. i’ve checked settings and
it’s still turned on, however now it just starts the playlist over and
doesn’t play new music. that’s how i...
normally when a playlist, album, song, etc. finishes spotify will begin to play music based on whatever was playing. i’ve checked settings and it’s still turned on, however now it just starts the pla...
Hey Everyone! I can see all my albums on the app but only a handfull of
artists appear on the library. A few on my Iphone (none on my desk top)
....these dont have the alphabetic slide on the side like it used to
meaning that you have to scroll throu...
Hey Everyone! I can see all my albums on the app but only a handfull of artists appear on the library. A few on my Iphone (none on my desk top) ....these dont have the alphabetic slide on th...
PlanPremiumCountryNetherlandsDeviceNexus 6P and Dell XPSOperating
SystemAndroid Pie and Windows 10My Question or IssueHi,I have a mismatch
in shown up devices for Spotify connect between my Android device and
Windows 10 app. Home network #1:Cisco rou...