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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
I've got this issue where if i losten to an album or playlist Spotify
after playing a song goes to the next song but no audio plays. It also
stays on that song and gets stuck. It will keep playing the song even if
the song is over. Example the song i...
I've got this issue where if i losten to an album or playlist Spotify after playing a song goes to the next song but no audio plays. It also stays on that song and gets stuck. It will keep playing th...
PlanFreeCountrySpainDeviceXiaomi Redmi Note 5A PrimeOperating
SystemAndroid Nougat 7.1.2 My Question or IssueI can't find the repeat
option in the Now Playing section, I tried selecting the three points
and all I've got is the Add to Library option a...
Plan Free Country Spain Device Xiaomi Redmi Note 5A Prime Operating System Android Nougat 7.1.2 My Question or Issue I can't find the repeat option in the Now Playing section, I trie...
If I'm listening to the DJ AI channel on mobile and pause it, when I
start listening on desktop, it usually picks up where I left off. If I
listen for a while, then go back to mobile, it starts back where I
paused on mobile earlier and plays all the ...
If I'm listening to the DJ AI channel on mobile and pause it, when I start listening on desktop, it usually picks up where I left off. If I listen for a while, then go back to mobile, it starts back ...
Hello, Spotify-Community! Since the new update with the new color of
Spotify is out,I can't download my offline music on my Android anymore
(HTC One M7).I'm in the same WLAN-Network, Spotify is on PC and Android
open, but it's always said "Waiting fo...
Hello, Spotify-Community! Since the new update with the new color of Spotify is out, I can't download my offline music on my Android anymore (HTC One M7). I'm in the same WLAN-Network, Spo...
My Question or Issuerecently I had to replace my phone due to some
component issues, ever since I got my replacement and redownloaded all
apps, whenever I open Spotify, it instantly starts playing the song I
was last listening to.I usually use 2-3 mu...
My Question or Issue recently I had to replace my phone due to some component issues, ever since I got my replacement and redownloaded all apps, whenever I open Spotify, it instantly starts playing ...
PlanPremiumCountry USADeviceMoto G5 PlusOperating SystemAndroid Oreo My
Question or Issue Forgive me for being behind on this, but I just
noticed that on Windows 10 desktop app, you can play all the playlists
in a folder. I can't figure out how to do...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Moto G5 Plus Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue Forgive me for being behind on this, but I just noticed that on Windo...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide
the easier it will be for us to try and help.PlanFree/PremiumCountry
Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating
System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,e...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide the easier it will be for us to try and help. Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macb...
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDevicePhilips 55POS5002 Android
TV(TPM171E)Operating SystemAndroid TV 8.0.0Spotify App Version1.83.3 My
Question or Issue The new video playback feature seems like a nice idea
but my TV stops playback and needs to buffer if a...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Philips 55POS5002 Android TV(TPM171E) Operating System Android TV 8.0.0 Spotify App Version 1.83.3 My Question or Issue The new video pl...
Spotify automatically lowers my volume, and also limits it, i have to
reset the app everytime, and even then it happens after a few minutes, i
didnt have this issue until recently
Spotify automatically lowers my volume, and also limits it, i have to reset the app everytime, and even then it happens after a few minutes, i didnt have this issue until recently
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
FIRST: Yes, I have already1) uninstalled, reinstalled,2) logged out,
logged back in3) logged out, uninstalled, reinstalled, logged back
inDevice: Samsung Galaxy S24 UltraPremium Family PlanI don't know what
happened, but recently, I cannot use the sh...
FIRST: Yes, I have already 1) uninstalled, reinstalled, 2) logged out, logged back in 3) logged out, uninstalled, reinstalled, logged back in Device: Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Premium Family Pl...
Hello Folks, Every so often Spotify does an update of what I presume is
one of my playlists. It always gets stuck on song 77 of 98. It will
remain stuck for days if I do not force close Spotify. When I do that it
is fine until the next time a sync ha...
Hello Folks, Every so often Spotify does an update of what I presume is one of my playlists. It always gets stuck on song 77 of 98. It will remain stuck for days if I do not forc...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueHello, as of last friday night my phone stopped loading
the canvas videos in the applied song...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Hello,...
Bug for a few months now. Kept waiting for an update so posting.Pixel
6a. Android 14. Spotify App version Tap "Search"2. Tap
"Podcasts"3. Scroll to the bottom, and tap "See all"4. Under "Arts &
Entertainment", tap "Fiction"Expected Beha...
Bug for a few months now. Kept waiting for an update so posting. Pixel 6a. Android 14. Spotify App version 1. Tap "Search" 2. Tap "Podcasts" 3. Scroll to the bottom, and tap "See ...
PlanPremiumCountryUSDevicePixel 8, Pixel 7, Pixel 7aOperating
SystemAndroid 13 and Android 14 My Question or IssueWhen requesting
music from Spotify using Android Auto in a 2022 Toyota 4Runner with the
Entune 2.0 factory head unit, Spotify pauses the...
Plan Premium Country US Device Pixel 8, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a Operating System Android 13 and Android 14 My Question or Issue When requesting music from Spotify using Android Auto in a 2...
cuando pongo una canción que tenga video de fondo en mi celular se me
buguea y no puedo hacer nada más, se me pone la pantalla en negro y no
puedo ni pausar la canción. Si tengo espacio en mi celular y ya probé de
todo (desinstale, borre datos) y nad...
cuando pongo una canción que tenga video de fondo en mi celular se me buguea y no puedo hacer nada más, se me pone la pantalla en negro y no puedo ni pausar la canción. Si tengo espacio en mi celular...
I recently Switched from Samsung Devices (S10 and S21 FE) to a Pixel 7
Pro and Spotify is kinda driving me crazy on this device.- I used to be
able to stop/close spotify by just swiping away the tile in the drop
down menu. Now spotify just keeps play...
I recently Switched from Samsung Devices (S10 and S21 FE) to a Pixel 7 Pro and Spotify is kinda driving me crazy on this device. - I used to be able to stop/close spotify by just swiping away the ...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceSamsung S10Operating SystemAndroid 12/One UI
4.0Spotify Version8.6.98.900 My Question or IssueSince updating to
Android 12 (or coincidentally at the same time with a Spotify app update
and not related to Android 12 update),...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Samsung S10 Operating System Android 12/One UI 4.0 Spotify Version My Question or Issue Since updating to Android 12 (or coincidentally a...
PlanPremiumCountryBrazilDeviceOneplus 10 PRoOperating System(android 12)
My Question or Issuespotify app plays for a few minutes and crashes,
I've uninstalled and installed again, cleared the cache, disabled access
from nearby devices and it doesn't ...
Plan Premium Country Brazil Device Oneplus 10 PRo Operating System (android 12) My Question or Issue spotify app plays for a few minutes and crashes, I've uninstalled and installed a...