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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi guys,Let me try to explain what happened, I just subscribed to a
Premium Family. When I tried to enter the payment details my
registration was not accepted because I was using a credit card that was
issued in another country. I changed then the co...
Hi guys, Let me try to explain what happened, I just subscribed to a Premium Family. When I tried to enter the payment details my registration was not accepted because I was using a credit card t...
Hi, I pay for a family plan with 5 people in total on the plan. However
it does not allow two of us listen to music at the same time. Can
someone offer some advise as to what might be the issue here?
Hi, I pay for a family plan with 5 people in total on the plan. However it does not allow two of us listen to music at the same time. Can someone offer some advise as to what might b...
Hello.I have upgrated to premium family, but every one except me, stil
has commercials and dont have the premium advantages.I do not understand
what I have done wrong路PlanPremium family CountryDenmark Device(iPhone
11, Samsung Galaxy 10Operating Sys...
Hello. I have upgrated to premium family, but every one except me, stil has commercials and dont have the premium advantages. I do not understand what I have done wrong🤷♀️ Plan Premium family&n...
Back here again at this wonderfully archaic and time intensive way to
get help. I have premium and no matter what we do, my wife and I cannot
listen to different music at the same time. She can go offline on her
app but mine will not let me and even ...
Back here again at this wonderfully archaic and time intensive way to get help. I have premium and no matter what we do, my wife and I cannot listen to different music at the same time. She can...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryFranceDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook
Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueYou asked my sister our address and as she did not have
time to answer you removed her f...
...sked my sister our address and as she did not have time to answer you removed her from my Family account. Could you please send her a new form to fill and add her to my Premium account? Thank you in a...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI am changing from a duo plan and student plan and
moving to a family plan but we all have mu...
...hanging from a duo plan and student plan and moving to a family plan but we all have music playlists that we don't want to lose. If I invite my children to my new family plan, will they be able t...
I paid for the yearly plan one time payment. Country India My Question
or IssueI'd like to change from a yearly plan to a monthly plan and link
my credit card to the payment. How am I going to do that?Should I
request a refund for the yearly plan or ...
I paid for the yearly plan one time payment. Country India My Question or Issue I'd like to change from a yearly plan to a monthly plan and link my credit card to the payment. How am...
PlanPremium PlanCountry Canada Quebec DeviceAcer AspireE15Operating
System Windows 10 + latest update(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)
My Question or Issue The ability to move songs in any playlist with
speed movements has disappeared? Why ? It...
Plan Premium Plan Country Canada Quebec Device Acer AspireE15 Operating System Windows 10 + latest update (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue ...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)Samsung
S22My Question or IssueFamily premium plan. I am a member. Son is
manager. Neither he nor I can access my ...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) Samsung S22 My Question or Issue Family...
PlanFamily premiumCountryAustralia Device(iPhone 11, using head unit in
car)My Question or Issuemy playlist (not the liked songs list but an
actual playlist) keeps restarting after a few songs, it used to just do
this sometimes between on my phone an...
Plan Family premium Country Australia Device (iPhone 11, using head unit in car) My Question or Issue my playlist (not the liked songs list but an actual playlist) keeps r...
Buenas tardes una pregunta, si tengo una cuenta familiar premium en
francia, puedo invitar a mi hija al grupo familiar si ella vive en
argentina? Se que los servidores son diferentes por eso la pregunta, he
preguntado lo mismo por amazon music y esta...
Buenas tardes una pregunta, si tengo una cuenta familiar premium en francia, puedo invitar a mi hija al grupo familiar si ella vive en argentina? Se que los servidores son diferentes por eso...
so Basically I’ve had Spotify premium for years. I switched to the duo
plan the other day. Then this week I got a link to join a family plan
but it won’t let me continue after I have selected the address when
hitting the family plan link.
so Basically I’ve had Spotify premium for years. I switched to the duo plan the other day. Then this week I got a link to join a family plan but it won’t let me continue after I have selected the a...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI have 2 individual accounts for my kids (started at
different times). Can I convert them int...
...ave 2 individual accounts for my kids (started at different times). Can I convert them into a premium family plan (so I can have an account) without them losing their already created playlists?
Spotify FamilyUnited States DeviceiPhone, MacBookOperating SystemMost
current iOS I just finished speaking to someone via spotify chat
support, but my issue was not resolved. I'm sure this doesn't come up
too often, but it is still very inconvinient ...
Spotify Family United States Device iPhone, MacBook Operating System Most current iOS I just finished speaking to someone via spotify chat support, but my issue was n...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI want to remove myself from being account manager,
will they family members loose their play...
My Question or Issuea mediados del año pasado formaba parte de un plan
familiar pero hace unas semanas atras esta cuenta fue cancelada y ahora
que me volvieron a invitar no puedo ingresar porque solo puedo cambiar
de cuenta una vez cada 12 meses, per...
My Question or Issue a mediados del año pasado formaba parte de un plan familiar pero hace unas semanas atras esta cuenta fue cancelada y ahora que me volvieron a invitar no puedo ingresar p...
Hi, I have recently subscribed to family plan, however I can't add my
address there to start using it. I can't access the
https://www.spotify.com/in-en/account/family/ page. I am already an
individual premium member, want to change the subscription t...
Hi, I have recently subscribed to family plan, however I can't add my address there to start using it. I can't access the https://www.spotify.com/in-en/account/family/ page. &n...
PlanPremium DeviceiPhones, Macs, Macbooks My Question or IssueRight now,
we are using a Premium account together with our family, with several
playlists and a lot of liked songs. So this is not about several accs
joining but on 1 account that has all...
Plan Premium Device iPhones, Macs, Macbooks My Question or Issue Right now, we are using a Premium account together with our family, with several playlists and a lot of liked s...
Hi - I'm trying to add a family member to my plan (I already have four
on it and this takes out last space). They're typing in our address and
it's definitely the one on the account but it's saying it doesn't match.
I've not changed our address and d...
Hi - I'm trying to add a family member to my plan (I already have four on it and this takes out last space). They're typing in our address and it's definitely the one on the account but it's s...
Hello, I recently signed up for Spotify, as my older son is getting into
music. He recently turned 13, so is eligible for a Spotify account,
however his google account is still managed by me under Family Link. He
doesn't have his own computer, or tab...
...y me under Family Link. He doesn't have his own computer, or tablet, so his primary music listening is on a google home speaker. I am trying to link his Spotify account to his voice so that o...