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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADevicePlayStation 5Operating SystemPlayStation My
Question or IssueSome users are experiencing issues viewing video
streaming for podcasts
Plan Premium Country USA Device PlayStation 5 Operating System PlayStation My Question or Issue Some users are experiencing issues viewing video streaming for podcasts
PlanPremiumCountryUSDeviceFire TVOperating System My Question or
IssueSpotify has been working just fine for about 4years on my Fire tv.
No issues. Since yesterday the songs seems playing for a few seconds
then they stop altogether. Also there is no ...
Plan Premium Country US Device Fire TV Operating System My Question or Issue Spotify has been working just fine for about 4years on my Fire tv. No issues. Since yesterday t...
I have 2 TCL Roku TVs. The lyrics are no longer in sync-the lyrics
actually jump ahead so you cannot even see what is currently being sung.
Plan Premium Country United States Device TCL Roku TV Operating System
TCL Roku TV My Question or Issue I have...
I have 2 TCL Roku TVs. The lyrics are no longer in sync-the lyrics actually jump ahead so you cannot even see what is currently being sung.
United States
TCL R...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceHP laptopOperating SystemWindows 11My
Question or IssueI uploaded the wrong video. How do I replace it with
the correct version?
Plan Premium Country USA Device HP laptop Operating System Windows 11 My Question or Issue I uploaded the wrong video. How do I replace it with the correct version?
PlanPremiumCountryUKDeviceiPhone 13Operating SystemiOS 16.4.1 My
Question or IssueI have never had issues watching videos on Spotify but
for some reason they have recently stopped.I can’t watch any videos or
podcasts.I’ve checked all the audio qualit...
Plan Premium Country UK Device iPhone 13 Operating System iOS 16.4.1 My Question or Issue I have never had issues watching videos on Spotify but for some reason they have recently st...
I've been an Individual Premium subscriber for ages (and previously paid
for Hulu back when it was a separate service).I've been using Spotify
and Hulu (Hulu via my AppleTV) forever with no issues.A couple days ago,
I lost access to Hulu and it's now...
I've been an Individual Premium subscriber for ages (and previously paid for Hulu back when it was a separate service). I've been using Spotify and Hulu (Hulu via my AppleTV) forever with no issue...
Hello, so the issue that I’m having is if I go and play a song in the
Spotify app it’ll go through the first 10 seconds silent before starting
back at the beginning on it’s own and plays with sound. Has anyone
experienced this issue? I’ve tried reins...
Plan Free Country Canada Device 2023 Samsung QN65Q60BAFXZC Operating
System Tizen OS (T-NKLBAKUC-1622.5, BT - S) My Question or Issue I
opened the Spotify app on my smart TV to play some music from my
playlist. I pressed play, and the first song came...
...mart TV to play some music from my playlist. I pressed play, and the first song came up. It said the song was almost done even though the audio just started. By the time the progress bar made it to t...
PlanPremiumCountryCanadaDeviceFireTV 4K My Question or IssueWhen
selecting certain Podcasts to play (Work For It Podcast, Hustle & Grind
Podcast) the player will skip to a different subscribed podcast and
start to play. I did a factory reset on my de...
Plan Premium Country Canada Device FireTV 4K My Question or Issue When selecting certain Podcasts to play (Work For It Podcast, Hustle & Grind Podcast) the player will skip to a di...
PlanPremiumCountryGermany DeviceAmazon Fire TV Stick 4kOperating
SystemFire OS My Question or IssueSome time ago spotify stopped working
on the Fire TV stick.When I try to open the app on the TV only the login
screen shows up. When clicking on my use...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Amazon Fire TV Stick 4k Operating System Fire OS My Question or Issue Some time ago spotify stopped working on the Fire TV stick. W...
PlanPremiumCountryPolandDeviceMotorola e20Operating SystemAndroid My
Question or IssueSome podcast episodes don't show up in New tab once
they are released. I checked and I have the podcast in followed, it
shows up in my library but new episode was r...
Plan Premium Country Poland Device Motorola e20 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Some podcast episodes don't show up in New tab once they are released. I checked and I h...
My Question or IssueAfter a recent update of the Spotify App on my Sony
Bravia Smart TV, the search function no longer works correctly. At first
it started loading the Google speech search rather than the keyboard
option - now it just doesn't load ei...
My Question or Issue After a recent update of the Spotify App on my Sony Bravia Smart TV, the search function no longer works correctly. At first it started loading the Google s...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceFire TV My Question or IssueThe Fire TV app is
skipping songs. When I play an album once song #1 ends it skips song #2
and song #3 (which acts like it is going to play) and plays song #4.
This is not shuffling because the skip...
Plan Free Country USA Device Fire TV My Question or Issue The Fire TV app is skipping songs. When I play an album once song #1 ends it skips song #2 and song #3 (which acts like it i...
Hello!Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears,
mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago,
while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the fact that the song
is added to your "liked songs" is...
Hello! Over time, the like (like icon) on some songs you like disappears, mainly on songs that were added to your "liked songs" a long time ago, while the song remains in your "liked songs", but the...
PlanPremium CountryN. Macedonia DeviceSamsung QLED TV Q70B (2022)
Operating SystemSamsung Smart TV OS, Android TV OS My Question or Issue
When you play something, then exit the Spotify app on the TV and re-open
it, the Now Playing bar on the top left...
Plan Premium Country N. Macedonia Device Samsung QLED TV Q70B (2022) Operating System Samsung Smart TV OS, Android TV OS My Question or Issue When y...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceOnn. Roku TVOperating SystemIdk Roku? My
Question or IssueThe audio delay is so horrible, it might just be my
OCD, but I cannot handle the delay and it makes me so mad to see and
hear my song cut off by an ad, or the UI not do...
Plan Free Country USA Device Onn. Roku TV Operating System Idk Roku? My Question or Issue The audio delay is so horrible, it might just be my OCD, but I cannot handle the delay and i...
Had this issue since installing TV a month ago. I’ve already talked to
support that referred me back to LG, who refer me back to Spotify etc.
Brand new LG TV (webOS) 2023 model. I can open, search, see my playlists
on Spotify - basically everything e...
Had this issue since installing TV a month ago. I’ve already talked to support that referred me back to LG, who refer me back to Spotify etc. Brand new LG TV (webOS) 2023 model. I c...
PlanPremium DeviceLG TV Oled 65Operating SystemWebOS My Question or
IssueHow to set up automatic playback on LG TV Spotify app?My father has
difficulties seeing the screen and understanding the LG remote control.I
programmed for him that long-pressin...
Plan Premium Device LG TV Oled 65 Operating System WebOS My Question or Issue How to set up automatic playback on LG TV Spotify app? My father has difficulties seeing t...
My Question or IssueHello,I'm here because I don't find the information
to help me.Since 4 weeks, I can't play spotify on my TV (for get music
on my HiFi) because on my playlists (or other spotify playlists) when I
play the playlist, when I get an ad...
My Question or Issue Hello, I'm here because I don't find the information to help me. Since 4 weeks, I can't play spotify on my TV (for get music on my HiFi) because on my playlists (or other s...
My Question or IssueI've been listening to Spotify on the app and on my
phone and tablet, but when I play it on my Xbox, I'm baffled as to why
there's no option to sort songs nor can you do it on the web player.
Like, why can't we sort songs by title...
My Question or Issue I've been listening to Spotify on the app and on my phone and tablet, but when I play it on my Xbox, I'm baffled as to why there's no option to sort songs nor can you do it on t...