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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueA feature request for any Spotify product managers
listening. I am the account holder for our...
...eature request for any Spotify product managers listening. I am the account holder for our Family Premium account. I do not listen to audio books, but a family member on the plan does. Unfortunately, S...
Trying to add someone to my Family plan and they are being locked for
being in the wrong country while sitting beside me. "You need to live at
the same addressIt looks like you’re trying to join Premium Family from
a different country. Premium Family...
Trying to add someone to my Family plan and they are being locked for being in the wrong country while sitting beside me. "You need to live at the same address It looks like you’re trying to j...
Hello, I pay for Spotify Premium and I enjoy listening via my Amazon
Echoes. Randomly, when streaming to an individual echo or to a group,
the music will pause. If I wait, eventually the music will randomly
begin playing again! I AM NOT ASKING HOW TO...
Hello, I pay for Spotify Premium and I enjoy listening via my Amazon Echoes. Randomly, when streaming to an individual echo or to a group, the music will pause. If I wait, eventually t...
Family planMultiple accounts: me, wife, kid1, kid2, kid3, kid42 echo
dots I am able to play my Spotify music independently from my wife, kid3
and kid4 on each of our iPhones. We recently got 2 echo dots for kid1
and kid2. I setup each echo dot with a...
Family plan Multiple accounts: me, wife, kid1, kid2, kid3, kid4 2 echo dots I am able to play my Spotify music independently from my wife, kid3 and kid4 on each of our iPhones. &n...
I'm trying to invite my husband to the family plan. We were on duo plan
before. When he click on the invite, Spotify mentionned he can't join
that plan once every 12 months. But we were with the Duo Plan just
before.Help. We use Spotify all day long....
I'm trying to invite my husband to the family plan. We were on duo plan before. When he click on the invite, Spotify mentionned he can't join that plan once every 12 months. But we were with the D...
My wife is part of our family account but keeps on receiving
advertisements and is also occasionally thrown out as family member.
What should we best do?
My wife is part of our family account but keeps on receiving advertisements and is also occasionally thrown out as family member. What should we best do?
I am a member account on a family plan, and randomly about a month ago
my explicit content stopped working and I get the message that my
account administrator needs to enable it. The admin is my dad, and he
explained that he had not changed anything,...
I am a member account on a family plan, and randomly about a month ago my explicit content stopped working and I get the message that my account administrator needs to enable it. The admin is my d...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceOnePlus 6TOperating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI am the manager for my
family plan. Some of my family members confirmed our address in time,
but others, including myself, missed the wa...
Plan Premium Country USA Device OnePlus 6T Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I am the manager for my family plan. Some of my family m...
My wife manages a family plan. Our youngest son and me have joined it.
Our oldest son can’t join, as he ‘doesn’t live at the same address’ as
the rest of us. In the system the same address is marked, and he’s
litterally sitting next to us. Why doesn’...
My wife manages a family plan. Our youngest son and me have joined it. Our oldest son can’t join, as he ‘doesn’t live at the same address’ as the rest of us. In the system the same address is m...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI have a family plan and the address is adding the
extra 4 digits on my account. My family si...
...ave a family plan and the address is adding the extra 4 digits on my account. My family signs up the address is not the same so it won't work. Because it's not adding the extra 4 d...
I'd like to create an account for my seven year old son and I'd like to
join his account to my Spotify Premium Family. I can't create a regular
account for him, as he es too young. When trying to install Spotify for
Kids it tells me "not available in...
I'd like to create an account for my seven year old son and I'd like to join his account to my Spotify Premium Family. I can't create a regular account for him, as he es too young. When trying to i...
I have a Basic Family plan, and since my child is grown up, I want to
let them have their own independent subscription. How do I remove them
from the family plan and start them on their own subscription without
them losing all their playlists and inf...
I have a Basic Family plan, and since my child is grown up, I want to let them have their own independent subscription. How do I remove them from the family plan and start them on their own s...
3 eylül 2024 de premium bireysel aboneliğimi başlattım 17 ocak 2025 de
premium aileye geçiş yaptım ancak 1 ay ücretsiz yazmasına rağmen 26 ocak
2025 de ödeme alınacağı yazıyor. 1 ay ücretsiz olmasa bile alalı 10 gün
olmasına rağmen 100tl ödeme istiyo...
3 eylül 2024 de premium bireysel aboneliğimi başlattım 17 ocak 2025 de premium aileye geçiş yaptım ancak 1 ay ücretsiz yazmasına rağmen 26 ocak 2025 de ödeme alınacağı yazıyor. 1 ay ücretsiz olmasa b...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryCanadaDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9,
Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or IssueHello. This is a two part question. 1. So
there's been some miscommunication between m...
Plan Family Premium Country Canada Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue H...
PlanFamily CountryUK My Question or IssueI am trying to add one more
person to my family plan and it can’t find my address, even though it is
type in the same way it appears in my profile, and the rest of the
members didn’t have any problem. We have ...
Plan Family Country UK My Question or Issue I am trying to add one more person to my family plan and it can’t find my address, even though it is type in the same way it a...
I kept getting a page saying that I need to validate the address and try
again even though I've entered the correct address. Now I just get a
page saying "There was a problem".
I kept getting a page saying that I need to validate the address and try again even though I've entered the correct address. Now I just get a page saying "There was a problem".
Desde aprox Noviembre 2024 que formo parte de una suscripción Premium
Familiar y hace una semana, Spotify me envió un correo de que se
desconectaría la suscripción Premium sin previo aviso. Consulté con el
dueño y la cuenta estaba al día, no había un...
Desde aprox Noviembre 2024 que formo parte de una suscripción Premium Familiar y hace una semana, Spotify me envió un correo de que se desconectaría la suscripción Premium sin previo aviso. Consulté ...