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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
I accepted an invitation to join a family plan. I obviously live at the
same address and I was trying to do this while staying there too
actually. When I typed the address it said it didn´t match. I decided to
literally copy the address from the mast...
I accepted an invitation to join a family plan. I obviously live at the same address and I was trying to do this while staying there too actually. When I typed the address it said it didn´t match. I...
We reside in the middle east as a family, but our permanent address and
credit card billing address is in the USA. We are trying to set up a
Premium Family Account, but I had to choose USA as location to match my
credit card. Then when I tried to inv...
We reside in the middle east as a family, but our permanent address and credit card billing address is in the USA. We are trying to set up a Premium Family Account, but I had to choose USA as l...
I have a premium family plan and two members that were already been
registered on the plan for a long time were removed without any notice
and I’ve tried to add one of them again and she received a message
saying it’s not possible to rejoin the plan ...
I have a premium family plan and two members that were already been registered on the plan for a long time were removed without any notice and I’ve tried to add one of them again and she received a m...
I've just upgraded my account from premium to family plan. Is there a
way that I can have 2 profiles? I have the space for it. The reason why
is because my son has a Playlist that he listens to and I have a
Playlist on the same email profile, however...
I've just upgraded my account from premium to family plan. Is there a way that I can have 2 profiles? I have the space for it. The reason why is because my son has a Playlist that he listens to and I...
We have a family plan and I cannot invite my daughter. The system keeps
telling me that we access the plan from another country, although we all
live at the same address in the US. Can there be another issue or what
could I do?
We have a family plan and I cannot invite my daughter. The system keeps telling me that we access the plan from another country, although we all live at the same address in the US. Can there be a...
I didn’t have my notifications set up to receive the emails for promo
codes. Now I do. Did I miss out on The Weeknd promo code or will it be
sent still?
I didn’t have my notifications set up to receive the emails for promo codes. Now I do. Did I miss out on The Weeknd promo code or will it be sent still?
My husband got Family Plan Spotify a couple months ago and I was added
to it but I am still being charged for the individual plan.PlanPremium
and FamilyCountryUSADeviceSAMSUNG GALAXY S20 My Question or IssueI've
been charged for my Individual Premium...
My husband got Family Plan Spotify a couple months ago and I was added to it but I am still being charged for the individual plan. Plan Premium and Family Country USA Device SAMSUNG GALAXY S...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI am on a premium plan but a podcast I want to listen
to is locked? What is the issue?
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I am on...
Hi Spotify Community!My wife is paying the Family plan for me and my
daughter however she lost access to her own email (that actually manages
her Spotify Family plan also)! And now she does not have access to
Spotify for herself :))So the issue is; S...
Hi Spotify Community! My wife is paying the Family plan for me and my daughter however she lost access to her own email (that actually manages her Spotify Family plan also)! And now she does not h...
I've been subscribed for Spotify family for years. My card that was on
file expired and I got an email yesterday saying my payment was
declined, and I was downgraded to free. I thought when I updated my card
info, my plan would revert back to family ...
I've been subscribed for Spotify family for years. My card that was on file expired and I got an email yesterday saying my payment was declined, and I was downgraded to free. I thought when I u...
My dad has payed for family premium but I can’t access it, when I click
on the link and when I put our address it says that it’s not in the same
country. But I live in the same house and it’s the same address he has
My dad has payed for family premium but I can’t access it, when I click on the link and when I put our address it says that it’s not in the same country. But I live in the same house and it’s the s...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry DeviceHonorOperating SystemAnroidMy Question or
IssueI am an owner of a Family-Premium and I have sent an invitation for
my husband to join in Spotify - but he cannot join as "the address is
not matching" even we are located i...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device Honor Operating System Anroid My Question or Issue I am an owner of a Family-Premium and I have sent an invitation for my husband to join in S...
Me llegan correos diciendo que alguien se sumó a mi plan familiar, pero
mi grupo familiar no ha cambiado, de hecho los eliminan y son
reemplazados por personas que no conozco. la primera vez que ocurrió
cambié mi contraseña y hoy volvió a pasar, ¿qué...
Me llegan correos diciendo que alguien se sumó a mi plan familiar, pero mi grupo familiar no ha cambiado, de hecho los eliminan y son reemplazados por personas que no conozco. la primera vez que ocur...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
Hi, for some reason, I was recently removed from my partner's family
plan because Spotify wasn't able to "confirm the address for your plan."
When he sent a link for me to rejoin, I got the error: "You can’t join
this plan. We couldn’t confirm that y...
Hi, for some reason, I was recently removed from my partner's family plan because Spotify wasn't able to "confirm the address for your plan." When he sent a link for me to rejoin, I got the e...