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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremium familyCountryTurkey DeviceIphone 14 proOperating IOs 18,3 My
Question or Issuehi, I bought family (6 people) spotify plan and I want
to add my sister which is living in Ukraine.And I cant do it, evet she
writes my address. I bought family...
Plan Premium family Country Turkey Device Iphone 14 pro Operating IOs 18,3 My Question or Issue hi, I bought family (6 people) spotify plan and I want to add my s...
PlanPremium FamilyCountrySwitzerlandDeviceipadOperating System(iOS
15.6.1 My Question or IssueI previously let my kids listen through my
spotify account. Since I have seen that there is now spotify kids I have
changed my subscription to premium famil...
Plan Premium Family Country Switzerland Device ipad Operating System (iOS 15.6.1 My Question or Issue I previously let my kids listen through my spotify account. Since I have seen t...
With young children we have “explicit” filters on. HOWEVER, when our
kids view the lyrics it shows every curse word, or degrading lyric. How
do we remove lyrics? Or how do we filter so “explicit” lyrics are
removed from text. Kind of defeats the purp...
With young children we have “explicit” filters on. HOWEVER, when our kids view the lyrics it shows every curse word, or degrading lyric. How do we remove lyrics? Or how do we filter so “explicit” lyr...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryDenmarkDeviceAllOperating SystemAllMy Question
or IssueI'm constantly getting kicked from spotify app on my mobile when
I'm out - because a family member wants to listen to music on one of our
Google home enabled speakers at ...
Plan Premium Family Country Denmark Device All Operating System All My Question or Issue I'm constantly getting kicked from spotify app on my mobile when I'm out - because a family m...
Członkowie rodziny, którzy chcą dołączyć do mojego konta premium family
mimo że wpisują dokładnie ten sam adres nie mogą dołączyć przez
komunikat o błędnym adresie. Co może być przyczyną ?
Członkowie rodziny, którzy chcą dołączyć do mojego konta premium family mimo że wpisują dokładnie ten sam adres nie mogą dołączyć przez komunikat o błędnym adresie. Co może być przyczyną ?
I have a Premium Family plan and I'm listening some ads during some
podcasts. Do you know why? PlanPremiumCountryI live in New Zealand but
my account is from Brazil.DeviceXiaomi 12 ProOperating System(iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Questio...
I have a Premium Family plan and I'm listening some ads during some podcasts. Do you know why? Plan Premium Country I live in New Zealand but my account is from Brazil. Device Xiaomi 12 P...
Hi, I want to know is there any limits for joining different families
per 12 months? Can I delete my current premium and join a family and
cancel at any time and join another one?
Hi, I want to know is there any limits for joining different families per 12 months? Can I delete my current premium and join a family and cancel at any time and join another one?
My wife passed away in October 2020. She was the account manager for our
family plan. I kept her account open because my kids enjoyed her song
list. Now I have decided to close down the last few things still in her
name, such as Spotify. So i reached...
My wife passed away in October 2020. She was the account manager for our family plan. I kept her account open because my kids enjoyed her song list. Now I have decided to close down the l...
I have several playlists and play songs from them as I feel. However,
when a re-select a playlist and play it, the first song in the playlist
plays and not the last song that played. How to get Spotify to play the
last song played in a playlist.
I have several playlists and play songs from them as I feel. However, when a re-select a playlist and play it, the first song in the playlist plays and not the last song that played. How to get Spoti...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue Even though I was a family member before the family
plan ended I was invited back but it doe...
...bsp; Even though I was a family member before the family plan ended I was invited back but it doesn’t let me join it keeps telling me that I have to wait 12 months which sounds absurdly unreal. I t...
Today I signed up for spotify kids and I thought you could pick song
that the parents could approve as well? My child loves some songs by
other artists that are not in your kids data base like Aalyiah these are
songs that I would like to approve for ...
Today I signed up for spotify kids and I thought you could pick song that the parents could approve as well? My child loves some songs by other artists that are not in your kids data base like Aalyia...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueA family member recently bought a spotify duo
subscription but when I tried to join the like ...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue A family...
I’m curious how the family plan will work if I add my kids to a family
plan but they are all not with me every other weekend. The way I’m
reading it is it should be fine but I’d like clarification since they
will not be with me the majority of the ti...
I’m curious how the family plan will work if I add my kids to a family plan but they are all not with me every other weekend. The way I’m reading it is it should be fine but I’d like clarification s...
I am currently on the free plan and I want to join my boyfriend's duo.
We live together in the Netherlands. Currently we are traveling together
in North and South America. In order to be able to use my own Spotify at
all, I have had to update my coun...
I am currently on the free plan and I want to join my boyfriend's duo. We live together in the Netherlands. Currently we are traveling together in North and South America. In order to be able to use ...
My daughter (on our family plan) wants to listen to an audiobook that is
not part of the free library. In her Spotify app on her tablet, it said
that books could not be purchased on the app, so I purchased it on the
computer via my account. Shouldn't...
My daughter (on our family plan) wants to listen to an audiobook that is not part of the free library. In her Spotify app on her tablet, it said that books could not be purchased on the app, so I p...